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Donald Trump claimed Wednesday night during a south Florida campaign rally that President Barack Obama were the 'founder' of the ISIS terror army,deserving the blame for its creation.


His stunning claim refers to the president's decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq, blaming the president for creating the power vacuum that terrorists rushed in to fill.


Trump also blamed Clinton for co-founding ISIS saying: 'the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton. Co-founder!'


在动词前面加上co-可以表示“共同执行这个动作”,比如:This tragedy did not created itself. You co-created it. (这个悲剧并不是自己发生的,是你促使了它的发生),这其实是一种活用,好多这样的词在词典里是查不到的。

Trump brandishes a number of signs during his speech including this one above showing the number of Syrian refugees admitted to the US.


Trump's figurative case that Obama 'founded' ISIS rests on his contention that the president disrupted a delicate balance of power between Iran and Iraq, two countries afflicted by more than eight decades of border disputes.


Trump also said Hillary Clinton's mistakes managing Islamist threats in Libya were a contributing factor, calling her the 'co-founder' of ISIS.


这里也可以说mistakes of managing。

He said, President George W. Bush invaded Iraq and 'decimated one of the powers, and we unleashed fury all over the Middle East. And it was a terrible mistake.'


'And then Obama came in,' he continued. 'And normally you want to clean up. He made a bigger mess out of it. He made such a mess. And then you had Hillary with Libya. So sad.'




More than half of China's college students said they spent their summer holiday at home rather than on the road, according to a newly released report.


In fact, nearly 60% of them said they rarely or never went out at all during summer break.


Inadequate funds and a lack of interesting activities were cited as reasons in the report for this trend, along with a fascination with online activities and mobile phones.


The report on summer break staycation among college students, the first of its kind in China, collected data from more than 500 universities, located in cities ranging from first-tier to third-tier. More than 3,000 university students took the survey.


The report reveals that nearly 48% of the respondents spent at least five hours a day surfing the Internet.


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Social networking, watching videos and listening to music were the three most time-consuming activities.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/224261/434188595.html


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