英语基本口语对话 英语对话基本句子



Let me think for a moment before making that decision

W: Will you buy me a computer?

M: Let me think for a moment before making that decision.

W: All of my classmates have one.

M: Shall we buy a bigger apartment?

W: Let me think for a moment before making a decision.

M: I like the apartment in Century Town.

I'll go crazy.

W: I'll go crazy.

M: What's wrong?

W: The teacher assigned so much homework.

M: I was swept off by her at first sight.

W: Don't act on impulse.

M: I'll go crazy.

How can you not be worried?

W: Is your son home?

M: No. How can you not be worried?

W: This kid has really made me worry a lot.

M: Is your son married?

W: No. How can you not be worried?

M: Are you worried that he's over 30 and still single?

Without your help, I'll feel helpless.

W: I should leave.

M: Without your help, I'll feel helpless.

W: But I can't be with you all the time.

M: Where are you going?

W: I'll go to the branch company abroad to work.

M: But without your help, I'll feel helpless.

I am afraid of loneliness.

W: You are not going home in the evening, are you?

M: I am afraid of loneliness.

W: Shall we have a chat?

M: Are you going to get married again?

W: Yes, I am afraid of loneliness.

M: I see it's not that easy to be a woman.

英语基本口语对话 英语对话基本句子

Who gives you the right to blame me?

W: All of this is your fault.

M: Who gives you the right to blame me?

W: Don't argue.

M: You should be responsible for this terrible mistake.

W: Who gives you the right to blame me?

M: Am I not right?

For me they are the same.

W: Which team do you support?

M: For me they are the same.

W: I prefer the Beijing team.

M: Do you want to register for piano class or dancing class?

W: For me they are just same.

M: Which one do you prefer?

I'd better follow your advice.

W: Please cheer up!

M: I'd better follow your advice.

M: I hope our cooperation is successful.

W: Please be a guest of my family.

M: I'd better follow your advice.

W: I'll wait for you at 6:00.

Not that serious eh?

W: His leg seems to have a fracture.

M: Not that serious eh?

W: It's impossible for him to enter the court this season.

M: Sun Jun will be kicked out of the school.

W: Not that serious eh?

M: He cheated in the exam.

I am muddle-headed.

W: You look very tired.

M: I am muddle-headed.

W: You need to take a rest.

M: I am muddle-headed.

W: What's wrong?

M: My son was arrested by the police.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/224261/237426738.html


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