高中黑板报版面设计图 高中英语黑板报设计


高中英语黑板报设计:珍贵的照片 The Precious Picture

In my bedroom, there is a picture hung in the wall, in the picture, my parents cheer for me, they are smiling happily. This is the very precious picture for me, I won the basketball match, my parents were very proud of me. Every when I see the picture, I tell myself to work hard and make my parents be proud of me.



高中英语黑板报设计:我的古镇之旅 My Trip to the Old Town

Today, as the school was holding the sport meeting, I will have three days off, so I decided to have fun with my friends, we went to the small old town which is near my school. Early in the morning, we took the bus, after three hours, we arrive at the place. The town is so primitive, all the buildings conserve their original faces, which makes them popular among the modernized world. Many people like to go to there to have a vacation, because they can feel the peace, they want to calm themselves down in the busy work, finding a peaceful land and take a think about their lives. I like that town so much, I feel I am part of the town, the scenery is so attractive and the tradition there is so special. I hope this town will not change, just keep what it is.


高中英语黑板报设计:冬天里的晴朗日子 Those Sunny Days In the Winter

When winter comes, the days are always full of rain and there are less sunshine, so it is so rare to enjoy the sunshine, people will feel excited to see the sunny days. As for me, I will be very happy when the sun comes out in the winter. I will get some plans to spend my time in the warm day, sometimes I will call my friends out and have a picnic in the park, we can not only enjoy the sunshine, but also can have a nice talk, it will strengthen our communication. Sometimes our family will have the barbecue outside, we share our food and play games so happily. I love sunshine, when I feel frustrated, I will forget about all the worries once the sun is coming out. Those sunny days in the winter are so special to me.


高中黑板报版面设计图 高中英语黑板报设计

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/224161/151503471.html


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庆元旦迎新年黑板报 庆元旦迎新年黑板报版面设计图

 庆元旦迎新年黑板报版面设计图:  元旦含义  1、中国古代称新年第一天为“元旦”或元日、元长、元朔、元春,具体日期在西汉以前各不相同,西汉汉武帝太初元年,司马迁创“太初历”,以正月初一日为元旦,从此历代相沿,直至民国时期

美丽的春天版面设计图 春天黑板报版面设计图

 春天黑板报版面设计图:  关于春天的宋词  苏轼的蝶恋花  花褪残红青杏小。燕子飞时,绿水人家绕。枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?  墙里秋千墙外道。墙外行人,墙里佳人笑。笑渐不闻声渐悄,多情却被无情恼。  东城

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