
US late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel features a recurring “Lie Witness News” section in his program. In the gag, pedestrians are asked a variety of questions with false premises.

美国深夜脱口秀(鸡毛秀)的主持人吉米•科莫尔的节目中总是包含一个整人单元“Lie Witness News”。在这个搞笑单元中,路人会被问及各种各样莫须有的问题。

In one episode, Kimmel’s crew asked people whether they thought the 2014 film Godzilla was insensitive to survivors of the 1954 giant lizard attack on Tokyo; in another, they asked whether former US president Bill Clinton gets enough credit for ending the Korean War.


These are absurd questions, but surprisingly, many interviewees fall into Kimmel’s trap. Some appear willing to say just about anything on camera to hide their cluelessness about the subject at hand. Others seem eager to please, not wanting to let the interviewer down by giving the most boring response: I don’t know.


But for some of these interviewees, says David Dunning, a professor of psychology at Cornell University, the trap may be an even deeper one. The most confident-sounding respondents often seem to think they do have some clue.


Don’t laugh at these “confident idiots”, Dunning says writing in the Pacific Standard website, every one of us might behave just like one in similar situations.

达宁在Pacific Standard网站上的一篇文章中写道:不要嘲笑这些“自信的傻子”,因为大家在类似的情境中都可能表现的和他们一样。

With his colleagues at Cornell, Dunning carries out ongoing research in a lab that is constructed similarly to Kimmel’s gag.


They ask survey respondents if they are familiar with certain technical concepts from physics, biology, politics, and geography. A fair number claim familiarity with genuine terms like centripetal force and photon.


But interestingly, they also claim they know about concepts that are entirely made up. In fact, Dunning says, the more knowledgeable respondents considered themselves on a general topic, the more familiarity they claimed with the meaningless terms associated with it.


Foggy perception


The result, according to Dunning, is not surprising. For more than 20 years, he has researched people’s understanding and evaluation of their knowledge, reasoning and learning. As it turns out, although what we know is often perceptible to us, even the broad outlines of what we don’t know are all too often completely invisible.


To a great degree, Dunning says, we fail to recognize the frequency and scope of our ignorance.


You’d think our ignorance would leave us confused or cautious. But instead, our ignorance is often accompanied with an inappropriate confidence, boosted by something that feels to us like knowledge.


Other studies also confirm that people who don’t know much about a given set of cognitive, technical, or social skills tend to greatly overestimate their ability and performance. Dunning gives an example: College students who hand in exams that will earn them Ds and Fs tend to think their efforts will be worthy of far higher grades.


Occasionally, Dunning says, our ignorance and misplaced confidence can lead to disasters.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/224061/233363020.html




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