关于护理的英语文章1眼睛是心灵的窗户 做好护理最关键
VideoJug's beauty expert shows you how to care for your eyes. This should become an important part of your skincare routine in time, so watch VideoJug to learn how to do it properly.
Step 1: Soothing eye pads
Soak cotton wool pads in rosewater or eye make-up remover. Close your eyes and place the pads across each one. This will calm the tissue and reduce puffiness and irritation.
Step 2: Eye cream
Eye cream should be applied morning and evening after cleansing. Use a blob of eye cream or gel the size of a grain of rice.Use your ring fingers to ensure you don't press too hard, as these are your weakest fingers. Apply the cream with sweeping movements around the eye or by pressing gently underneath the eye. Don't apply right up to the eyelashes, as the cream will absorb and move through the skin to where it is needed. After applying, pinch your eyebrows to relieve any tension.
眼霜应该在早晚洁面后使用。使用米粒大小的一滴眼霜。使用无名指来涂抹,确保不会太用力,因为无名指是最无力的手指。沿着眼睛的曲线涂抹 ,或者在眼睛下部轻轻按压。不要涂在睫毛上,因为眼霜会被吸收并转移到需要的地方。涂抹眼霜后,揉一下眼球,释放任何紧张感。
关于护理的英语文章2跟油性皮肤说再见 专家教你简单护理方法
Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for oily skin. Oily skin isshiny and thick with open pores and blackhead, so learn how to combat this with VideoJug'shelp.
美容治疗专家Sarah Chapman向VideoJug用户讲述了油性皮肤的护理方法。油性皮肤通常会让你油光满面,毛孔粗大,布满黑头。在VideoJug的帮助下,你可以轻松应对这个问题。
Step 1: The signs of oily skin
You may have oily skin if you press a tissue onto the skin and you can see oil, you have ashiny face that needs blotting, or you have open pores and blackheads.
Step 2: Cleansing
This will help stop spots and blackheads. Avoid alcohol based cleansers which strip skin andencourage more oil production.Use a face wash or oil-based cleanser. Don't be afraid of usingan oil based product – oil and water don't mix, so oil cleansers are more effective at gettinginto pores and lifting excess oil out. Cleanse the skin morning and evening.
Step 3: Moisturising
Don't be afraid to moisturise – oily skin still needs to be hydrated and protected from the sun,so use a lightweight, oil free moisturiser, with SPF 15. Apply twice daily after cleansing.
不要害怕保湿——油性皮肤仍然需要补水和防晒,所以要使用SPF 15的轻薄无油的保湿产品。每天在洁面后两次使用。
Step 4: Exfoliating
Tougher oily skins can be exfoliated 3 times a week. Use a granular exfoliator, and focus onoily, congested areas such as the chin, nose and T-zone areas.

Step 5: Hydrating
Drink plenty of water as oily skin may also be dehydrated - the oiliness of the skin will hide thelack of moisture. Try to drink 2 litres of water a day.
关于护理的英语文章3饮食护理双管齐下 促进头发自然生长
Richard gives tips on how to improve your hair growth naturally. He explains that through a good diet, avoiding a lot of direct sunlight, and avoiding harsh chemicals, you can actually improve your skin and hair naturally.
A few tips on improving your hair growth naturally is to have a healthy diet. A good way to see if you've got good hair growth is to look at your nails and see if they are breaking or anything like that naturally, and if they are, then you have a problem. Other ways to improve your hair growth is to avoid colors that are harsh, chemical straightenings.
The hair is naturally made of protein and keratin so with good diet, you are going to get the proteins and nutrients that your hair needs to grow healthy. Always avoid direct sunlight on the hair as this can be damaging but actually going into the sun is healthy because you are getting vitamin D. This will improve your skin and your hair naturally.
Another way to improve your natural hair growth is using supplements like these. These have got essential acids and fatty acids as well that just improve the natural hair growth from inside. So, the best ways to improve your natural hair growth is to use the hair supplements, to improve your diet (make sure you have got a balanced, varied diet), to get plenty of exercise, water, and to avoid direct sunlight but get a little bit to get that vitamin D. .