英文简历自我评价范文 英文简历中的自我评价范文


英文简历自我评价范文 英文简历中的自我评价范文


I have been to work since 2000, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation. Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.


I'm an optimistic guy, during the school participated in a number of community activities, such as student and Guitar Club, etc., which I learned a lot of practice doing things and to get to know a lot of good friends, but also to enrich themselves life. I like to play, then the usual singing and playing guitar, I like these hobbies to enrich their leisure life, community work and leisure activities combine the fun of life is my favorite, really hope to set foot Social find a job also able to maintain it in a state when the work to work and leisure time to do the things you like, this is what I expect of life.


Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new things more; a strong sense of responsibility can be hard, has a strong teamwork and communication skills; more strong resistance capacity, the capacity of self-restraint and adaptability; using C, VB, SQL SERVER, PLC, WINCC done and technology tools such as the actual project, has a certain practical development experience.


Actively participate in school activities, concerns students, but also doing a class, do a good job, like working with people, be good to remember and use facts to deal with the details of the issue, the angle of approach to reality. Resolute and steady, reliable work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, understanding, sensible, loyal to their own organization where, with action to defend the collective values and principles. Ambitious and ambition, good at influencing others. Interested in learning the professional knowledge of the hope that through more social practice, and strive to improve their professional skills.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223761/950122403.html


简历自我评价范文 简历自我评价范文(4篇)


个人简历自我评价范文 个人简历自我评价范文7篇

 爱华小编分享个人简历自我评价7篇  【个人简历自我评价范文范文一】  具开阔视野及全局观念;思维开放、活跃,理解、接受新事物能力较强;心态好,自信、自律性强;虚心、好学;善于创新、感悟能力较强;具有良好的语言沟通能力

护士简历自我评价范文 护士简历自我评价范文7篇

 下面是护士简历自我评价7篇  护士简历自我评价范文一:  本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融合其中。

个人简历自我评价范文 个人简历自我评价范文7篇(2)

拥有丰富的大中型企业管理经验,有较强的团队管理能力,良好的沟通协调组织能力,敏锐的洞察力,自信是我的魅力。我有着良好的形象和气质,健康的体魄和乐观的精神使我能全身心地投入到工作当中。  【个人简历自我评价范文范文五】  扎

大学生论文范文参考 大学生个人简历自我评价范文参考


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