我去上网用英语怎么说 上网用英语怎么说



上网 net play/go online/surfing the internet


Surfing the Internet is fun, but it's also a time waster. 上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。

2. Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online. 今天上网就可以退订。

3. Once more people are wired, the potential to change the mainstream media will be huge. 一旦更多人能上网,网络改变主流媒体的潜力将十分巨大。


4. Do you spend more than forty hours on the Internet a week? 你每周上网的时间超过四十个小时 吗 ?

5. We can't access the Internet. 我们连不上网。

我去上网用英语怎么说 上网用英语怎么说

6. If you're interested in a subject, use the Internet to delve deeper. 如果对某一主题感兴趣,就上网进一步深入研究。

7. I surf the Internet two hours a day. 我每天上网冲浪两个小时.

8. Some experts recommend that people set strict limits on their time for Internetuse. 许多专家建议人们严格限制自己的上网时间.

9. More mobiles are likely to be linked to the internet than personal computersby 2003. 到2003年,与因特网连接的移动电话很可能超过上网的个人计算机.

10. At night, she would go online and chat with her friends back home. 夜深人静时, 她会上网跟故乡的朋友聊天.


Google Inc. on Tuesday said it is providing free Wi-Fiservice as a holiday gift now through Jan. 15 next year in dozens of airports across the United States.


文中的Wi-Fi就是指“无线上网”,俗称为“无线宽带”,是Wireless Fidelity的缩写。Wi-Fi是一种可以将PC(个人电脑)、手持设备(如PDA、手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的wireless local area network(WLAN,无线局域网)的技术。利用这种技术,大家就可以用随身携带的palm-sized computer(掌上电脑)或laptop(笔记本电脑)随时上网了。

谷歌还和维珍航空合作,开展了free in-flight Wi-Fi service(免费机舱无线上网)。据估计,在年底的travel season(旅游季),美国将有一亿人次乘坐合作机场的飞机。此外,短距离无线传输还可以使用blue tooth(蓝牙)技术。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223761/241402111.html


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