如何高效的时间管理 如何高效管理时间


Finish what you've started.

This is the core idea: Where possible, working a single task tocompletion is more efficient. When you sit down to work, you spend a few minutes justgetting "settled in" before you're productive. If you jump from task to half-finished task allthe time, that's a lot of minutes lost to "rolling up your sleeves."


Think small.

You can't always spend several hours working straight through on a single big job.Don't think in those terms. Use a simple to-do list, and take each item to completion withoutinterruption, unless something's literally on fire. An example for the job-seeker: It's not "I'lllook for jobs this afternoon," it's checking email for replies to previous applications, scanningpreferred job sites, writing cover letters, and tweaking your resume for each solid lead, etc.


Quit stalling.

Once you're organizing by simple components, it's easier to dive right into thesmall tasks. It takes a lot of warm up and deep breaths before you jump off a high-dive andwe're less hesitant about walking down a flight of steps.


Play well with others.

When you're working as part of a team, make sure you're prioritizing whatyou do to get the most important parts into the production line. Nothing's worse than havingpeople stand around waiting for you to produce. In a job search, prioritize anyone who'swaiting to hear from you; hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) willappreciate and remember your promptness.


Analyze your output.

How could you have been more efficient? How much of your time goes totrivial, mundane work rather than the challenging stuff you enjoy and that your boss values?Job-seekers, log the time you spend at various job sites, and count how many real leads thateffort yields. This way you can reprioritize your efforts for high value results. Why are you stilllurking on that job board that dried up two years ago?


It's a multitasking world, and there's no changing it. But when a dozen things are clamoring foryour attention, you can still organize them on your terms.

如何高效的时间管理 如何高效管理时间



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