八年级下数学期中试卷 八年级下英语期中试卷




( ) 1. What is Amy going to be in ten years?

八年级下数学期中试卷 八年级下英语期中试卷

A. A worker. B. A basketball player. C. A policewoman.

( )2. What was the girl doing when her mother came in?

A. Doing her homework. B. Playing computer games. C. Surfing the lnternet.

( )3. What did the girl' s grandmother say?

A. She would come this'week. B. She wouldn't come here this week.

C. She wouldn' t come here next week.

( )4. What' s the matter with the boy?

A. He argued with his morn. B. He argued with his friend.

C. He argued with his teacher.

( )5. Will the man go with the girl?

A. Yes,he will. B. No,he won' t. C. We don' t know.



( )6. What' s wrong with the first dress?

A. It' s too old. B. It' s out of style. C. It' s too colorful.

( )7. Who bought the second dress?

A. Ann' s grandparents. B. Ann' s parents. C. Ann.

( ) 8. What will Ann do about the second dress?

A. She will wear it. B. She will change its style. C. She will send the dress to others.


( )9. What' s wrong with the boy?

A. He forgot his sister' s birthday. B. He ate dinner with his sister.

C. He bought a birthday cake for his sister.

( ) 10. What did the boy' s sister say?

A. She said sorry to her brother. B. She said the boy was not a good brother.

C. She said she didn' t get a gift.


( ) 11. Which robot does the girl like?

A. A dancing robot. B. A playing robot. C. All robots.

( ) 12. Where are they talking?

A. At the children' s museum. B. At the science museum. C. At the history museum.

( 13. What will the robot do in the boy' s home?

A. Dance. B. Do the boy' s housework. C. Do the boy' s homework.


( ) l4. What was Ann doing when the boy called?

A. Listening to music. B. Listening to the radio. C. Listening to English songs.

( ) 15. How old is Ann now?

A.13. B.9. C.10.




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