惊奇地,吃惊地英语短语 做笔记英语短语



做笔记 to make notes

做笔记 take notes

做笔记 making notes of

做笔记 write down the notes

做笔记 note-taking

我们在课堂上做的笔记 We made notes in class

如何做笔记 How to Take Notes

做英语笔记 Take English notes ;

做课堂笔记 Class notes


1. However, I knew I needed my own book to annotate.


2. Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.


3. He made some notes in the margin.


4. We just took notes, tried to memorize the books, and got high marks.

我们只做笔记, 努力背书, 得高分.

5. E - readers have other great features , too, like touch screens and note - taking options.

电子阅读器 也有很多其他很棒的特点, 像是触控式萤幕和可做笔记的选项.

6. Would you mind taking notes and preparing a summary of our deliberations?

请您为我们的讨论做笔记并准备总结一下,好 吗 ?

7. Take Notes and Make Lists – Nobody's memory is perfect.


8. He brought all my defences down . I could not argue with him.


惊奇地,吃惊地英语短语 做笔记英语短语

9. I usually make notes in the book as I read.


10. The top students also take notes while reading the text assignment.


11. The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.


12. If you learn shorthand , you can write down words shockingly fast.

如果你学会速记, 你就能十分迅速地做笔记.

13. Please read the article. While you read make a note of it.

请阅读这篇文章, 边读边做笔记.

14. Excuse me , sir. Should we jot down some notes?

请问, 现在我需要做笔记 吗 ?

15. Do you take notes during English course?

你上英语课做笔记 吗 ?



Printout, photocopy, and take notes of relevant information.


Develop learning skills: problem solving, take notes, summarize, report, share with others, etc.


But nor is it a specialist dilemma faced only by students or journalists: virtually any white-collar job requires it, unless you never take notes in meetings

You take notes any way you choose, but if you don't get anything on there it'll be available online.


You can actually take notes and don't have to scribble everything down that you see on the screen.


What we recommend is you use those notes to take your own annotations to help you understand what's going on, but we're not going to provide class notes.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223261/787238851.html


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