雪莱诗歌中英文对照 中英文对照的英语诗歌欣赏



to li bai at the sky send

du fu

a cold wind blows from the far sky....

what are you thinking of, old friend?

the wildgeese never answer me.

rivers and lakes are flooded with rain.

...a poet should beware of prosperity,

yet demons can haunt a wanderer.

ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him

where he drowned himself in the milo river.



凉风起天末, 君子意如何。

鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。

文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。

应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。


a night at a tavern

du mu

solitary at the tavern,

i am shut in with loneliness and grief.

under the cold lamp, i brood on the past;

i am kept awake by a lost wildgoose.

...roused at dawn from a misty dream,

i read, a year late, news from home --

and i remember the moon like smoke on the river

and a fisher-boat moored there, under my door.



旅馆无良伴, 凝情自悄然。

寒灯思旧事, 断雁警愁眠。

远梦归侵晓, 家书到隔年。

沧江好烟月, 门系钓鱼船。


on leaving the tomb of premier fang

du fu

having to travel back now from this far place,

i dismount beside your lonely tomb.

the ground where i stand is wet with my tears;

the sky is dark with broken clouds....

i who played chess with the great premier

am bringing to my lord the dagger he desired.

but i find only petals falling down,

i hear only linnets answering.



他乡复行役, 驻马别孤坟。

近泪无乾土, 低空有断云。

对棋陪谢傅, 把剑觅徐君。

唯见林花落, 莺啼送客闻。


a farewell at fengji station to general yan

du fu

this is where your comrade must leave you,

turning at the foot of these purple mountains....

when shall we lift our cups again, i wonder,

as we did last night and walk in the moon?

the region is murmuring farewell

to one who was honoured through three reigns;

and back i go now to my river-village,

into the final solitude.



远送从此别, 青山空复情。

几时杯重把, 昨夜月同行。

列郡讴歌惜, 三朝出入荣。

将村独归处, 寂寞养残生。


a night abroad

du fu

a light wind is rippling at the grassy shore....

through the night, to my motionless tall mast,

the stars lean down from open space,

and the moon comes running up the river.

...if only my art might bring me fame

and free my sick old age from office! --

flitting, flitting, what am i like

but a sand-snipe in the wide, wide world!



细草微风岸, 危樯独夜舟。

星垂平野阔, 月涌大江流。

名岂文章著, 官应老病休。

雪莱诗歌中英文对照 中英文对照的英语诗歌欣赏

飘飘何所似, 天地一沙鸥。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223261/377411891.html


雪莱的诗云雀颂査良铮译 云雀颂

雪莱:云雀颂 祝你长生,欢快的精灵!谁说你是只飞禽?你从天庭,或它的近处,倾泻你整个的心,无须琢磨,便发出丰盛的乐音。你从大地一跃而起,往上飞翔又飞翔,有如一团火云,在蓝天平展着你的翅膀,你不歇地边唱边飞,边飞边唱。下沉的夕



郭沫若《雪莱的诗》小引 雪莱的诗全集

郭沫若 《雪莱的诗》小引作者:彭建华PLUIE《雪莱的诗》小引郭沫若  雪莱是我最敬爱的诗人中之一个。他是自然的宠子,泛神宗的信者,革命思想的健儿。他的诗便是他的生命。他的生命便是一首绝妙的好诗。他很有点像我们中国的贾谊。但是

读诗人雪莱冬天来了春天还会远吗 雪莱 冬天来了


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