我心中的榜样作文 心中的榜样初中英语作文

榜样的力量是无穷的。 “以人为镜,可以明得失”,榜样不仅是一面镜子,也是一面旗帜。下面是小编为你整理的心中的榜样初中英语作文,希望你喜欢!

我心中的榜样作文 心中的榜样初中英语作文


As it is known to us all LuXun is a famous Chinese writer.He is not only a writerthinkerbut also the founder of Chinese Literature .He wrote many classic novels and his storieswhich are translated many languageswere made into filmsuch as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year's Sacrificewhich deeply showed people's suffering in the old days. Because of his achievement to Chinese literatureChairman Mao spoke highly of him.Besidessome of his works were selected into the text books in high school and university.



My father is a great person.He is a hero in my heart.He is tall but not strong.He is a driver.He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious.Actuallysometimes he is real serious.In my memoryhe never hits me except once.It is because I ignored their forbidding to go swimming in the river alone.I was so sad as my father hit me.But now I understand that it is because he worry about me.Moreoveralthough our family is not weathyhe will give all the things that I want to me.And he works hard to support our family.I know that he loves us and we also love him. I love my father and I'm proud of him.I hope that my father will be healthy forever and we live together happily.



When I was in middle school there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After classhe often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao" .



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223161/974201219.html


《我心中的那一份美丽》--六年级暑假作文 我心中美丽的贾汪

《我心中的那一份美丽》-- 六年级暑假作文暑假作文要求:我心中的那 美丽,是许多人追求的东西,但很多人看到美丽的东西后,总觉得“这不够美”。但我知道一个地方,再也没有什么比那更美。那里的天空,湛蓝的天空,无垠的天空。它尤(犹)如一片被画



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我心中的英雄英雄是什么?英雄是不怕困难,英勇过人, 值得敬佩,而又仰慕的人。我想每个人心中都有一个英雄,他能给自己树立榜样,能让自己产生前进的动力,我心中也有英雄,随着成长,我对英雄也有了不同的认识.我刚刚咿呀学语的时候,在

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