节约用水英语作文 初中英语作文节约用水

节约用水英语作文 初中英语作文节约用水



A man is washing his clothes ,regardless of the notice above "Save the Water Please."

As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is very limited available water resources in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.


As we all know water is very important. We should try to save it. First, when we finish washing the clothes or dishes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, If we see the dripping tap, we must fix the tap as soon as possible. Third, we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.


As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.

Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223061/770287244.html


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