英语对话短文两人简单 关于最简单的英语对话短文



Paying the Check

Brad:Let me take care of the check today。

Lucy:Why? It’s unfair. How about going Dutch?

Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money, remember?

Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind picking up the tab last time。

Brad:But you really should let me treat one time. I’d feel like I owe you one if I didn’t。

Lucy:OK. But it’s only for this time。

Brad:What’s the damage?

Lucy:It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether. But don’t forget the tip. It’s usually 15%。

Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please.



Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss?

Linda:Sorry to trouble you, but I don’t think this fish is fresh. It actually tastes a bit off 。

Waiter:Sorry, Miss. I’ll replace it immediately. Can I get you another drink while you wait?

Linda:No, please don’t do that. I’d just like to return it。

Waiter:I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m afraid we can’t do that. But you may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak. It’s the house specialty and quite tasty。

Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank you。

Waiter:OK, Miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner.



Paul:Please help yourself to whatever you like. Don’t be shy。

Linda:Yes, thank you. I’ve already been helping myself。

Paul:This dish tastes terrific! Would you like to try a little? It is a little hot, but very good。

英语对话短文两人简单 关于最简单的英语对话短文

Linda:I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine。

Paul:Would you like another beer?

Linda:I’ll have another cup if you insist. I know I don’t like to drink alone, especially if there’s someone sitting next to me。

Paul:Come on, it’s the weekend. Let’s toast to an enjoyable meal. Cheers!

Linda:Bottoms up! And you’re right. This meal is incredible. I wish I had known about this restaurant before. Thanks for bringing me here. I know I’ll be back again soon。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/223061/251403117.html


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