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导读:中国号称世界餐饮大国,但一直以来,说起快餐(fast food),人们多数联想到的都是麦当劳、肯德基等洋品牌。如今,“取经”西方多年之后,中式快餐终于发起反击,洋快餐一统天下的局面将被彻底打破。

在过去20年间,上海的快餐市场曾一度被麦当劳、肯德基等外国餐饮公司所垄断。至今仍有很多市民记得当年上海荣华烤鸡在市场竞争中惜败肯德基的情形。 Over the past two decades, foreign catering firms from McDonald`s to KFC have dominated the fast food market in Shanghai. Many local residents may still remember the Shanghai-based Ronghua Fried Chicken`s failure in competition with KFC.

不过,所有这些都正在改变--传统美食开始大反击了! However, all that is changing as traditional tastes are fighting back.

我国古代爱国诗人屈原(公元前340-278)曾说过,中华美食之美足以唤回逝者的灵魂。 The ancient patriotic Chinese poet Qu Yuan (340-278 BC) once wrote that Chinese cuisine was so delicious it could tempt a soul to return from the dead.

这种起死回生的魔力,对疲惫不堪的德国游客Rudi Steinrock来说可能还无从体会,但他确实在上海火车站附近找到了一家中式快餐连锁店,彻底安抚了自己饥肠辘辘的胃。 Weary German tourist Rudi Steinrock couldn`t absorb as magic the energy that Qu described, but he did find a Chinese fast food chain near Shanghai Railway Station that fully satisfied his hunger.

Steinrock说:“一份套餐中有羊肉、米饭、蔬菜还有汤。菜色深红,散发着浓浓的香味,吃起来甜咸适中。而且,这一餐下来还不到30元人民币(约4.40美元)。” "It serves a set with lamb, rice, vegetables and soup. The dish is salty and sweet with the carmine color and great aroma. And it is no more than 30 yuan (US$4.40)," says Steinrock.

作为一个有着令人引以为傲的烹饪传统和无穷美食的国家,不得不说很多中国人竟会追捧寥寥西餐菜单上汉堡、披萨、烤鸡等异域风味这真是一件奇事。 Given the nation`s pride in its culinary traditions and the diversity of ingredients, it is surprising to find that many Chinese embraced the exotic taste of hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken, on somewhat limited Western menus.

对此,白领周艳艳说:“选择炸鸡、汉堡并非因为偏爱它们的味道,而是因为它们快速的服务,你在市内的每个角落都能轻易找到其分店。事实上,我更喜欢中餐,因为中餐菜色更多也更健康。” "Not for a preference for tastes, I choose Western fried chicken and hamburgers mainly for their swift service and they can be easily found in every corner of the city. In fact, I prefer the Chinese foods - more choices and healthier," says office worker Zhou Yanyan.

中国烹饪协会常务副会长杨柳表示,到2010年,预计快餐市场零售额将达到20000亿人民币,将有很大一部分消费者会选择中餐而非西餐。 The fast food market is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan in value in 2010, and a larger number of consumers would prefer Chinese-style cuisine rather than Western food, according to Yang Liu, vice chairman of China Cuisine Association.

旁观多年后,中国快餐业正在调整自己的战略。他们从西方竞争者那里学到了管理艺术和质量控制,现在正将其引入本地餐饮业。 After years of looking on from the sidelines, Chinese fast food chains are embracing a shift in strategy. They have learnt the art of management and quality control from their Western rivals and are now bringing them to local cuisine.

同时,为争取更多当地顾客,国际连锁快餐集团也会根据本地口味调整自己的菜单。一些跨国食品公司巨头,例如百胜集团,已推出了中国风味快餐。 International fast food chains are also tailoring their menus to local tastes to win more local customers. Some multinational food industry giants, such as Yum!, have introduced Chinese-style fast food.

今天,如果你要在上海赶时间的话,你可以吃到既健康又美味的中式快餐,例如:永和大王、真功夫或东方既白。它们的食品质量安全、价格合理,菜单还会根据季节变换而调整。同时,大多数中国快餐也提供外卖服务。 Today, if you are on a tight schedule in Shanghai, you can have healthy and tasty Chinese fast food, such as Yonghe King, Kung Fu Restaurant or East Dawning. They offer quality food at reasonable prices and often change their menus, adding seasonal treats. Most Chinese fast food chains also deliver.

真功夫 Kung Fu Restaurant

真功夫快餐成立于15年前,当时的创始人只有22岁。如今,它在上海的连锁店已经超过15家,全国共有300多家。它的标志是李小龙,颇具纪念意义。 The Kung Fu fast food chain was started 15 years ago by a 22-year-old Chinese man. Now there are about 15 outlets in Shanghai and over 300 around China. They feature a memorable company logo featuring Bruce Lee.

真功夫一份套餐约标价20元,包括一碗米饭,一碗汤,白灼蔬菜和一份肉食。 The set meals cost about 20 yuan, and include a rice bowl, soup, boiled vegetables and a meat dish.

东方既白 East Dawning

东方既白快餐成立于5年前,创始之时是中式快餐的试验店。目前它已在上海开设了15家连锁店。它与肯德基同属百胜餐饮集团旗下,将肯德基的商业模式与中国菜相融合,让顾客在舒适的餐厅环境内享用物美价廉的食物。 With about 15 stores in Shanghai, East Dawning began five years ago as a test for a new concept of Chinese fast food. It is playing on the same team as KFC, under Yum!`s banner. It is a fusion of the KFC business model with Chinese cuisine, offering cheap food in cheerful surroundings.

该店只提供快捷、易准备的中餐,并以传统的中国饮料如豆浆、酸梅汤等代替软饮。 Chinese food is served exclusively, but focuses on those more quickly and easily prepared dishes. Soft drinks are eschewed in favor of traditional Chinese drinks such as soy plum juice.

永和大王 Yonghe King

永和是台湾省台北市一个郊区的名字。几十年前,当地有一家早餐店,那里的鲜豆浆远近闻名。1995年,一名台湾投资者在上海开了第一家永和快餐店。如今,永和在上海的连锁店已超过30家。 Yonghe is the name of a suburb of Taipei city in Taiwan, where several decades ago there appeared a breakfast shop specializing in fresh soybean milk. A chain by the same name was started in Shanghai in 1995 by Taiwanese investors. Now it has more than 30 restaurants in the city.

永和大王以其新鲜的豆制品而闻名,价位在5到8元不等。 Yonghe King is most famous for its freshly made soybean products, costing from 5 to 8 yuan.

注释: catering 提供餐饮服务

fast food 快餐

fight back 从不利的位置反击,反击,抵抗

tempt 劝诱

carmine 洋红色,深红色

aroma 浓香,香气

culinary 厨房的,烹调的

ingredient 配料

cuisine 烹饪

Kung Fu Restaurant 真功夫

East Dawning 东方既白

soybean 大豆,黄豆

初中的英语科普类文章:嫦娥一号卫星成功撞击月球Chang'e-1 lands on Moon


China's lunar probe ended its 16-month mission with a controlled crash onto the moon Sunday, officials said.


Chang'e I hit the moon surface at 4:13 pm Beijing time Sunday after completing its tasks, sources with the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense said.


Chang'e I began to reduce its speed at 3:36 pm with two observation and control stations in Qingdao and Kashgar controlling it remotely.


The mission was to gather experience for a moon landing and launch of a lunar rover in 2012, sources with the administration said.


The third phase features another lunar rover, which will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research, in 2017.


The country's first planetary probe, Chang'e I completed its tasks in October after a year in space.


Chang'e I, which spent 494 days in space, was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center atop a Long March 3-A carrier rocket on October 24, 2007.


A full map of the lunar surface - China's first - was transmitted back in November 2007.


China will launch its second lunar probe, Chang'e II, in 2010 or 2011



(Reuters) – A privately owned U.S. communications satellite collided with a defunct Russian military satellite, a U.S. military spokesman said on Wednesday.


The crash, which took place on Tuesday above Russia's Arctic north, involved a spacecraft of Iridium Satellite LLC and a Russian communications satellite, said Air Force Colonel Les Kodlick of the U.S


"We believe it's the first time that two satellites have collided in orbit," he said.


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The crash occurred at roughly 485 miles, Kodlick said, an altitude used by satellites that monitor weather, relay communications and perform scientific observations.


"It's a very important orbit for a lot of satellites" and highlighted a need for improved awareness of events taking place in space, Kodlick said.

美国铱星公司的发言人Liz DeCastro声称,他们计划在30天内发射一颗备用轨道卫星来替代这颗被撞的卫星。

Liz DeCastro, an Iridium spokeswoman said Iridium planned to move one of its in-orbit spare satellites into the constellation to replace the lost craft within 30 days.


DeCastro said Iridium, which contracts with Boeing Co to maintain and operate its satellites, received information about the crash from the U.S. government.

DeCastro 还在陈述中强调:“此次事故不是因为铱星公司、或者铱星通讯技术的失败。”

"This event is not the result of a failure on the part of Iridium or its technology," DeCastro added in a statement.


Iridium's craft, weighing about 1,300 pounds (600 kg), was launched in September 1997, said Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and space program histor


The Russian craft, with a mass of 1,800 to 1,900 pounds (800 to 850 kg) known as Cosmos 2251, was launched in June 1993 and probably stopped working five to 10 years ago, he said.


Nicholas Johnson, an orbital expert at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, said it was uncertain how much new debris had been created by the crash.


"It takes a while for the debris to spread out and for us to get an accurate head count," he said.


There was no indication that the collision was intentional on the part of anyone, said a U.S. government source who asked not to be named.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/222761/492505764.html


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