励志的英语短语 点亮的英语短语



1. The night skies will be aglow with fireworks.


2. He struck a light and set the candle going.


3. Lights spangled the night skyline.


4. Instead, he struck a match and lighted the gas.

相反, 他划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯.

5. Lighting the gas, he sat down, preparing to wait a little while.

他点亮煤气灯, 坐了下来, 准备等一小会儿.

6. The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness.


7. Gas begins to start up in the shops.


8. He went into the front room, his bedroom, the parlour, lighting the gas as he went.

他走进前房间 、 他的卧室和客厅, 边走边点亮煤气灯.

9. She went over to the dresser and struck a match, lighting the gas.

她走到梳妆台前,划了根火柴, 点亮了煤气灯.

10. Have a smile being able to lighten your all days.


11. A great torch may be lighted at a little candle.


12. Fast to lighten the lamp which only needs input and low consume.


13. At extreme db the iceberg will be illuminated in blue from inside.


14. She lighted up an oil lamp when it was getting dark.


15. The light is not so bright and does not come on instantly.




I will make a bed for you, and light a lamp.


She lighted up an oil lamp when it was getting dark.


If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have onematch, so what do you light first?


But the work could light one path to the eventual production of cleaner energy.


The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty Godand that liberty and justice light the path to peace.


When, and only when, these genes are turned on do the bacteria make these proteins and light up.


Its makers suspect that it is the biggest thing since America provided oil to light the lamps ofChina and celluloid fables to feed the dreams of the world.

励志的英语短语 点亮的英语短语


Our goal is simple - to recreate the parent/child bond, renew its promise and light the wayforward for all the beautiful children who are destined one day to walk this earth.


We'll light the candle to bright your way to heaven, where there will be no more darkness,sorrow, pain and tears.


The light they shine is brilliant because it comes from a roaring fire of passion within, not byfluorescent bulbs lit by the nods of others.



Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp.

这个茶包放进有化学介质的杯子里就会燃烧,然后杯子就被点亮了。 新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长!

If you put the Lighting Bag in a cup of chemical intermediate, the tea bag will burst into flames,and then the cup is lighting.


To my surprise, with the cockpit lighting still off, I could see every gauge, lit by starlight.


Massive fireworks displays lit the skies in Beijing and Shanghai, while in North Korea, childrenflew kites and played traditional games.


Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.


What started as an attempt to lighten a dark corner of Chinese life has turned into something that looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt.


The proteins chosen to light up are ones the bacteria don't normally use, so unless the researchers activate them, they stay quiescent.


People always enjoy the lighted lanterns and the gala performances.


We didn't run out of kerosene, either: electricity supplanted it because it was a superior way tolight our planet.


Power from the battery is used not only to charge mobile devices, but also light up optical fibersinside of the bag.


Our perception of Buddhism is just like a lamp. As long as we light it up, even though we cannot see the Buddha, he can still see us.


Our perception of Buddhism is just like a lamp. As long as we light it up, even though we cannot see the Buddha, he can still see us.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/222761/174406602.html


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