英伦贵族礼仪 英国礼仪之“任性”的英伦日常


1) HOW THE BRITS COMMUNICATE1) 英伦“任性”日常之“不就是不”

For most Brits, no means no. For the Chinese, you may have to gauge if the no is out of politeness or modesty and whether it is an imploration for further persuasion. As children in China, we were taught to always say no when asked if we wanted something, and only with repeated questioning accompanied with comments such as ‘no need to be so polite’ may you finally give in and accept. For the Brits, they’ll take your answer for what it is and move on, and it might be difficult to grasp that there are such long-winded ways of saying yes.


2) HOW THE BRITS GREET2) 英伦“任性”日常之搂搂抱抱

Hugging is a societal norm in the UK as a way of greeting people: for family, friends and even acquaintances. It is a common sight to see people of all ages wrapping their arms around each other and ending with an affectionate rub or pat on the back. This is still a line of intimacy that most Chinese aren’t willing to cross, and is an act reserved for special moments for those with a close relationship, although it is becoming more casual in younger generations. A kiss on the cheek would be even more unthought of as a greeting gesture.



Brits are much more likely to be on first name basis with each other. People are comfortable and willing for those even much younger than themselves to refer to them by their given name, whereas in China this may be considered impolite. At medical school, I can be on first name basis with my tutors and doctors who I am familiar with despite them being much more senior than me. In China, I wouldn’t think to address anyone in that position, no matter how familiar I am with them, without their title such as teacher, professor, doctor or so forth as is expected. Socially, I am more likely to refer to my parent’s British friends by their first name and their Chinese friends as ‘Aunty’ (ah yi) and ‘Uncle’ (shu shu). Similarly, I’ve known a lot of my British friends to refer to relatives of their parents generations by first names, whereas in Chinese there are specific titles for each of your parents siblings in relation to their age that you need to refer them by.


4) HOW THE BRITS EAT4) 英伦“任性”日常之吃饭付钱都矜持

British etiquette dictates that eating should be done as quietly as possible, which means with your mouth closed, preventing cutlery from knocking against the plate and refraining from noisy chewing. In China, it is usually acceptable to lift the bowl and use chopsticks to push food into your mouth and make slurping noises – in some cases this can be seen as a sign of good appetite and appreciation of the food. When eating out, for the Chinese it is necessary to argue over the bill and insist on paying whereas in the UK, unless someone has blatantly stated they are paying, it is natural to split the bill. This includes situations where someone is hosting: being host in China (or ‘qing ke’) makes you responsible for the bill, which is not necessarily so in the UK. Furthermore, the Chinese also find it to be a funny phenomenon to see the calculator at the dining table as is often done in the UK. As stated, the Chinese don’t often split the bill and when they do, it would be almost shameful not to process it through mental arithmetics.


5) HOW THE BRITS SPEND5) 英伦“任性”日常之不讲价与倒贴钱

Whereas the ability to haggle is practically a life-skill necessity in China, the concept of bargaining is virtually non-existent in the UK. The closest you’ll get, save for a few niche markets, is probably bidding on eBay (the English equivalent of Taobao). Furthermore, paying an additional service charge or ‘tipping’ is common practice in the UK – for restaurants, hairdressers, hotels and so forth. In contrast, if you tip in China, you’ve basically confirmed your status as a tourist. This is likely to stem from the fact that in the UK service is one of the most expensive commodities, whereas in the China, it is still one of the cheapest.


英伦贵族礼仪 英国礼仪之“任性”的英伦日常

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