


The Tibetan Antelope Kneeling On Its knees

Today I am going to tell you a true story about a life-altering event that happened to an old hunter from Tibet's northern lands.

Early in the morning, the hunter saw a group of Tibetan antelopes on grass hill near his tent. He rushed out of his tent and mounted his horse with his rifle. The antelopes all quickly ran away except one. A strong, fat one ran only a few steps and came back. It looked imploringly at him, stepped up towards him and then knelt on its knees with tears streaming down from its eyes. Feeling softhearted for a flashing moment, the hunter did not pull the trigger. But after he shut his eyes, pulled the trigger and the antelope fell onto the ground in a kneeling position with discernible tears still on its face.

The old hunter restlessly cut the Tibetan antelope open. What he had saw made him choke on his breath and the knife fell on the ground with a crash. He saw a baby antelope lying in the womb, surely dead. All of a sudden he realized why the antelope was strong and fat and why it heavily knelt before him and cried: It was imploring him to have mercy on its baby!

The old hunter buried the antelope and its unborn baby together with his hunting rifle that day…



I will never forget this story. Today I told it to more people and I'd like to point out: In the world the kneeling of loving mothers, whatever of human being or animal is sacred. Lives of all kinds are equal. Let us care about the nature, care about our life with our affection and respect to the life. Hopefully we could live harmoniously, as part of nature.








爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/222261/41221253.html


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