初三英语补全对话 初三英语补全对话范文



A: Hello, may I speak to David?

B: _________________________________________.(1)

A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.

B: Hi, Lin Tao . What’s up?

A: What are you going to do next Sunday?

B: _________________________________________.(2) Do you have any ideas?

A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there’s a dolphin show there.

B: A dolphin show? Good idea!

_____________________________________ ?(3)

A: By bike.

初三英语补全对话 初三英语补全对话范文




A: At half past nine.




A: Let’s meet outside the zoo gate.

B: All right .See you then.


A: Hello, 6817502.

B: Hello. ______________________________________________________ ?


A: Sorry, _______________________________________ . (2) This is Jim’s mother, Mrs Green. Can I take a message?

B: That’s very kind of you. This is David, Jim’s friend. I ask him for some Chinese stamps. He told me he had got some last week.

A: OK. I will tell him about it. Would you like him to call you back later?

B: Well, I won’t be at home today. My mother is ill, so I must go to the hospital to look after her. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning? A: Oh, ________________________________________________.(3) I’ll let Jim know it. By the way,


B: Oh. My phone number is 6877242.

A: 6877242, right?

B: Yes, that’s right. Thanks a lot.


_____________________________________________________________ .


A: _____________________________________________________ .(1) B: Good afternoon. ________________________________________, (2) young lady?

A: I feel very weak. I can’t do any work, doctor.


________________________________________________________________ ? (3)

A: No, I don’t have a headache.


________________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: Yes, I sleep very well at night.


________________________________________________________________ ? (5)

A: No, I don’t have breakfast this morning. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.

B: Oh, I see. There’s nothing much serious. You need to more food and have three meals a day. And do some exercise every day. Then you’ll get better soon.


A: Good morning, Doctor.

B: Good morning, my boy!

___________________________________________? (1)

A: I’ve got a headache and a cough. I’m sure there’s something wrong with me. B:

_______________________________________________________________? (2)

A: I’m feeling even worse now.

B: __________________________________________________. (3) Oh, it’s a bit high. I’m afraid you’ve got a cold. How long have you been like this? A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor?

B: No. _________________________________________. (4) Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?

A: No, I didn’t feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor?

B: Well, don’t worry about it. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. You’ll get well soon.

A: __________________________________________________, (5) doctor. Goodbye.

B: That’s all right. Goodbye.


A: Excuse me.

______________________________________________________(1) ?

B: Certainly. Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing. The museum is next to the post office.


________________________________________________________________(2) ?

B: It’s about thirty minutes’ walk.

A: I see.

___________________________________________________________(3) ? B: Yes, you can. The No.9 bus will take you there.

A: By the way ,

_____________________________________________________ (4) ? B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.

A: Thank you very much.

B: ___________________________________________________(5) .


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