英语口语打电话对话 打电话英语口语对话阅读



(A:Wang Ling B:Fang Fang's father C:Fang Fang)

A:Hello.This is wang Ling.May I speak to Fang Fang?

B:I'll put you through.Hold on,please,(Voice:Fang Fang,there's a call from Wang Ling!)Hello?Are you there?She ison her way.

A:I'll hold,thank you.

C:Hi.Wang Ling.This is Fang Fang speaking.Oh,It's been awhile.It's nice to hear from you.How have you been?

A:Fine,thank you.And you?

C:Quite well.Last month,I had a very nice holiday.

A:Where did you go?

C:To Beijing.And I travelled around.

A:Very good.Oh,by the way,I'm having a party at my house onFriday.Can you come?

C:Sure.Thank you.


(A:Dave Kennedy B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Is this 985-6634?

B:Yes.You have the right numbr.

A:Please connect me with Mr.Lee.

B:Who is calling,please?

A:This is Dave Kennedy.

B:One moment,please.(a moment later) Hello,Mr.Kennedy?

Are you still on the line?


B:I'm sorry,but he has a visitor right now.Could you hold a littlelonger?Or shall I put you through to his secretary?


B:Shall I tell him you called?

英语口语打电话对话 打电话英语口语对话阅读

A:Oh,no,no.Well,actually,I'd rather call back later.When is agood time to call?

B:Why don't you try again in an hour?He will be free then.

A:OK.Thanks a lot.Good-bye.



(A:Receiver B:Prof.Davis)

A:Good afternoon.David Brown's office.

B:bd afternoon.This is Prof.Davis from the University ofWashington.

A:Can I help you?

B:I'd like to speak to Mr.Brown.Is he there?

A:Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?I'm just trying tofind him.


A:Hello.Are you there?

B:Yes.Go ahead,please.

A:I'm sorry,but he is in a meeting now.The best time to catchhim would be 5∶30.

B:Gould you possibly ask him to call me back?It's rather urgent.

A:Of course.What number are you on?

B:He ha my number bur I'll give it to you just in case.It's2235-7561.

A:OK.Mr.Davis.I'll have Mr.Brown get in touch with you assoon as the meeting is over.

B:Thank you.It's very kind of you.

A:You're welcome.Good-bye.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/222061/375286181.html


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