日语幽默故事阅读 外国最新幽默故事阅读



Okay, this is an actual episode of the Newlywed Game.


The question was "What is your husband's favorite South American country?"


The first wife answered Brazil.


The second wife was a bit puzzled as to what the term "South American" meant. She answered "New Mexico.” The MC explained to her that that was an U. S. state, not a South American country. Still confused as to what this strange adjective" South American" meant, she answered "Mexico.”


The third wife was sure of her answer. She wasn't as confused as wife number two and showed it. When it came time to give her answer, she answered very confidently "I know what my husband’s favorite South American country is: it's Africa” The MC allowed it.


The fourth wife answered "Mexico" as well.


The only husband to give the same answer as his wife was the fourth, who answered "Mexico.”



Scene一A grade one classroom on a warm summer afternoon.


Teacher: We are going to have a spelling competition this afternoon. Anyone who can spell a word correctly can go home early. We’11 start with Mary. What did you do at lunchtime?


Mary: I played in the sandpit.


Teacher: Mary, can you spell "pit?"


Mary: P …I … T?

玛莉: "P. . . I. . . T?"

Teacher: Very good,you may go. Now Tommy , what did you do at lunch?


Tommy: I was playing with my toy car.


Teacher: Tommy,can you spell "car"?


Tommy: C…A …R

汤米:"C. . . A. . . R"

Teacher: Very good,you may go. Now Johnny, why are you crying?


Johnny(sniff): Because Tommy and Mary wouldn’t play with me at lunchtime, just because I'm black.


Teacher: My God. That's racial prejudice. Johnny,can you spell "racial prejudice?"



Arthur was sitting outside his local pub one day,enjoying a quiet pint and generally feeling good about himself, when a Nun suddenly appears at his table and starts decrying the evils of drink.


"You should be ashamed of yourself young man! Drinking is a the blood of the devil!”


Now Arthur gets pretty annoyed about this,and goes on the offensive. "How do you know Sister?"


"My Mother Superior told me so.”


"But have you ever had a drink yourself`? How can you he sure that what you are saying is right?"


"Don’t be ridiculous一of course I have never taken alcohol myself.”


"Then let me buy you a drink,一if you still believe afterwards that it is evil 1 will give up drink for life.”


"How could I,a Nun,sit outside this public house drinking?!”


"I’ll get the barman to put it in a teacup for you , then no one will know.”


The Nun reluctantly agrees, so Arthur goes inside to the bar.


"Another pint for me, and a vodka,” then he lowers his voice and says to the barman,"and could you put the vodka in a teacup?"


日语幽默故事阅读 外国最新幽默故事阅读

"Oh no! It’s not that bloody Nun again is it?"



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/221961/885189201.html


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