帽子的英文怎么读 鸭舌帽的英文怎么读

汉语解释:鸭舌帽———特色是帽顶平且有帽舌,俗称鸭咀帽。帽缘从两寸到四寸,宽窄也有不同。 你知道鸭舌帽的英文怎么读吗?

鸭舌帽[yā shé mào]


casquette ; peaked cap

网 络peaked cap;peaked;flat caps;flat cap



My brother is the guy who wears a red cap.


And pulling his cap down over his eyes, he quitted the room.

帽子的英文怎么读 鸭舌帽的英文怎么读



We want to buy Cap, Hat, Scarf, Mitten, Promotion Textile Items, Bags, Gloves


and the boss did not sell out a flat hat and a flat plate.


Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap.


She wore a loose long-sleeved T-shirt with short pants along with black walkers and a cap, livening up her style.


On opening day, he wore a hat to draw less attention to himself as an inflow of media waited on campus to interview him.


There were hardly any black coats or round hats now, but smock frocks, blouses, caps, and bristling and cadaverous heads.


A tall, athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store, his face intent under a visored tweed cap


A tall, athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store, his face intent under a visored tweed cap.

1. The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps. 镇上的警察穿着深蓝色制服,戴着鸭舌帽。

2. He pulled on his cup, lurched desperately through the doorway, and wasgone. 他戴上鸭舌帽, 不顾死活地蹒跚着走出门口, 就不见了.

3. My brother is the guy who wears a red cap. 戴红色鸭舌帽的那个人是我哥哥.

4. Sky - blue, both sides is setting peaked cap of maize edge. 街上流行鸭舌帽,我也赶着潮流买了一顶.天蓝色, 两边嵌着黄色边的鸭舌帽.

5. Do I look silly with the peaked cap? 我戴上这顶鸭舌帽,看上去是不是有些傻?

6. The dome of the wheat market is an English jockey cap, on a grand scale. 小麦市场的圆顶是规模巨大的一顶英国赛马骑手的鸭舌帽.

7. He is very shy, so he wears his hair long with the peaked cap. 他很害羞, 因此他常留长发戴鸭舌帽.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/221961/247285437.html


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