英语作文万能句子精选 有关英语笑话小作文精选


英语作文万能句子精选 有关英语笑话小作文精选

有关英语笑话小作文:The New Baby

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had a seven-year-old boy named Pat. Now Mrs. Taylor was expecting another child.

Pat had seen babies in other people's houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house too.

One evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were making plans for the baby's arrival. "This house won't be big enough for use all when the baby comes," said Mr. Taylor.

Pat came into the room just then and said, "What are you talking about?""We were saying that we'll have to move to another house now, because the new baby's coming," his mother answered.

"It's no use," said Pat hopelessly, "He'll follow us there."

有关英语笑话小作文:Does He Bite 它咬人吗

Reggie: We have got a new dog. Would you like to come around and play with him?

Ron: Well, I don't know---does he bite?

Reggie: That's what I want to find out.




有关英语笑话小作文:I Need Your Football

George knocked on the door of his friend's house. When his friend's mother answered he asked, "Can Albert come out to play? "

"No," said the mother, "It's too cold. "

"Well, then, " said George, "Can his football come out to play ?"



“ 噢,那么,” 乔冶, “他的足球可以出来玩吗?”

有关英语笑话小作文:Where is the egg? 鸡蛋在哪里?

Teacher: Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"?

Student: Yes. I ate a piece of cake yesterday.

Teacher: Then where is the "egg"?

Student: In the cake, Sir.





有关英语笑话小作文:The ticket

Tom is a little boy, and he is onlyseven years old. Once he goes to acinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, and buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out and asks for another ticket. But a girl asks him, "Why do you buy so manytickets? How many friends do you meet?" "No, I have no friends here, but a big womanalways stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket."

汤姆是个小孩, 他才7岁。 当他去电影院的时候,那时他第一次去。他买了张票进去了。 但没过两三分钟他就出来了,然后买了第二张票又进去了。几分钟后他又出来买了第三张票,接着两三分钟后他又出来买票。 一个女的问她,“你为什么要买那么多票啊? 你见到了几个朋友?” “没有, 我里面没朋友, 但是每当我进门的时候一位大的女人老把我的票给剪了。”


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/221761/10408406.html


英语作文万能句子 有关于英语作文万能句子阅读

随着经济全球化的发展和国际交往的日益频繁,语言成为人们互相交流的重要桥梁。英语教学已成为各级学校的重点教学内容。小编精心收集了有关于英语作文万能句子,供大家欣赏学习!有关于英语作文万能句子精选举例句型1.Let's take…t

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书信类英语作文模板 书信类英语作文万能句子

近年来,英语继续教育的快速发展极大地促进了中国全民英语水平的提高,同时也推动了社会的繁荣进步。小编精心收集了书信类英语作文万能句子,供大家欣赏学习!书信类英语作文万能句子精选写信问候语私人书信的开头常用如下句子:How i

英语作文万能句子精选 关于英语三级作文万能句子精选

目前,随着社会经济的快速发展,英语成为了主要的国际通用语言之一,这必然引起人们对英语学习的兴趣日益增强。小编精心收集了关于英语三级作文万能句子,供大家欣赏学习!关于英语三级作文万能句子精选1) As for me, I am on the latt

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暗恋是一种自毁,是一种伟大的牺牲。暗恋,甚至不需要对象,我们不过站在河边,看着自己的倒影自怜,却以为自己正爱着别人。小编精心收集了有关暗恋的英语句子,供大家欣赏学习!有关暗恋的英语句子精选I cannot choose the best.The best ch

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