短小的简单的英语故事 短小的优秀英语故事阅读


短小的优秀英语故事:The Demanding Son

Luke didn’t know what to do. He wanted to yell at Kyle, his fiancée’s son, because Kyle continued to argue with his mom. She didn’t even demand very much from him—“Study hard, get the best grades you can,” she told him. She tried to get it into his head that she didn’t have the money to pay for his college education. Not a cent. Instead of studying harder, however, Kyle spent hour after hour playing video games on his computer. He waited until the last minute to study for school tests, and then stayed up all night cramming for them. When Jane tried to remind him that he needed good grades so that he could get a grant or a scholarship, he would get angry. He said it was her responsibility to take care of him financially until he graduated from college.

“Where did he get that idea?” Luke asked. “You’ve raised him for 10 years all by yourself. You don’t owe him a thing. With his attitude, he should be glad you haven’t kicked him out of the apartment already. He graduates from high school next year. When I was in the eleventh grade, my father made it clear to me that when I graduated from high school, I was expected to leave home. Yet Kyle thinks you have to pay his way through college!?”

Jane wouldn't allow Luke to talk to Kyle. “He doesn’t like you telling him what to do. He says you’re not his father, so why should he have to listen to you?”

“Well, his father’s dead. He should appreciate that I’m around to try to help him.” Maybe Kyle would learn to accept Luke's help and advice in time, Jane said.

短小的优秀英语故事:The Vacuum Cleaner Filter

But the HEPA filter for Oliver’s Vibe got dirty very quickly. And, it was not cleanable—it was simply replaceable. When it turned filthy brown, Oliver went back to Target to buy a new filter.

Oddly, Target sold the F15 belt for the Vibe, but not the filter. He informed the store manager. She said she would e-mail this discrepancy to Target headquarters. She told him to try Sears or Wal-Mart. If they didn’t have it, he could try the Dirt Devil web site. He drove to Wal-Mart and to Sears, but neither carried the filter. The Sears salesman told him to try the vacuum cleaner repair shop on East Colorado.

Oliver drove to the address, but the shop was closed. A note on the door said, “Because of car problems, the store is not open today. We will be open on Monday, if we can get the car fixed.” If they had car problems, how did they leave the note on the door, Oliver wondered.

When he got home, he went online to Dirt Devil. The F15 filter was only $9.99. But shipping (5-7 days) was an extra $4.95. Express shipping (1-2 days) was $10.70.

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Including driving time, Oliver figured that he had spent two irritating hours that day looking for one stupid filter. He wondered how much of his life he had wasted just searching for things.

短小的优秀英语故事:The Horrible Face

Mitchell continued his search for the dry milk. He found it next to the imported tea, and then walked quickly to the checkout counter. He hoped that he could check out fast, because if that woman finished her shopping and then stood in line behind him, he would simply walk out of the store without buying anything. The checker slowly rang up his bill, took Mitchell’s money, and gave him his change. It was 11 p.m. Mitchell did not look around as he walked out of the supermarket. He wondered if he would ever get that woman’s face out of his mind.

When he got into his car, he felt ashamed of himself. That poor woman, he thought. She probably never ventured out in the daytime. She probably did everything she could to avoid people. That was truly a face that even a mother might not love. She must feel so lonely. How could God let that happen to people, Mitchell wondered.

Long ago, there were colonies for outcasts. Lepers, for example, lived in leper colonies, where they had social contact with their peers. But there are no “wart colonies” for people covered with facial warts. They have to exist with “normal” people.

“She should try duct tape,” suggested a coworker of Mitchell's the next day. “I saw them demonstrate it on TV. You just stick it on the wart for 48 hours, and your wart disappears!”


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