培根散文集mp3英文版 爱情散文英文版



We'll be okay, won't we?

The one thing that matters

more to me than anything else

in the world... is you and me.

You are my world.

You're the one who gets all

my love and my wishes and my prayers.

But somehow... despite all my

best intentions,

I never feel quite safe enough

or sure enough

to rest assured that I'll always be

able to make you happy.

I need to know.

I need you more than my words can say.

I need to always feel

the warm peaceful feeling

that I get when you hold me.

I need to experience the beauty

of our love that I gently receive

when we caress.

I need for us to remember

all the love that's been given

and all the love that will unfold

each day, between the wonder of you

and the warmth of me.

And sometimes,

I just need to know

that we'll be okay... won't we?


I sometimes feel

a little jealous in my thoughts,

imagining that someone else

could please you more than me.

It's just my insecurity

acting up a bit, I guess...

because I know I'm not

the most beautiful,

the most ecticing,

the most fun, or the

most imaginative person

培根散文集mp3英文版 爱情散文英文版

in the world,

but I do know this —

no matter

how much time goes by,

I can't imagine that

you'll ever find another

who will love you

with a beauty

and a passion

and a happiness

like that which I feel for you.


I Give My Love to You Only

I want

to live and love with you

and be one forever;

to be near you so I can

reach out and touch you;

to make love with you,

talk with you,

and be silent with you;

to hold you close every night

and wake up with you

each morning.

I want

to share my secrets with you

and be honest with you;

to understand and respect you,

accepting you as you are.

I want

to find shelter in you

when I am afraid

and hold you when I need warmth;

to be with you through all seasons,

walking with you in the sunshine

and cuddling with you in the cold.

I want

to care for you when you are ill

and be joyful with you when you

are happy;

to grow old with you

and be with you until

the end of time.

I want all these things

with you only.

I would do all these things

for you only.

To you only, I give all my love.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/220661/611528254.html


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