笑话是内容丰富并具有出乎意料结尾的幽默口头故事。笑话几乎涵盖人们生活的所有领域,其中包括政治笑话、经济笑话、家庭生活笑话、关于民族性格的笑话等。 下面是小编带来的经典爆笑英语长笑话,欢迎阅读!
NO Sweat!
There were four passengers in the small aircraft as it sputtered over the Andes; abusinessman, an inventor, a priest and a laid -back budget traveller.
Suddenly the pilot entered the cabin and told them the horrible news: "Gentlemen, the plane isgoing down. I'm going to try to crash-land it, but you must all jump. "
Naturally, the men were horrified and even more so when they discovered that there were onlythree parachutes.
The businessman said, "Sirs, I employ thousands of people. Their lives and those of theirfamilies depend on me. I think you'll agree that I must survive. " He promptly put on aparachute and leaped.
The inventor rose, already adjusting the straps. "I'm the smartest man in the world. Myinventions have transformed the lives of millions. There’s no telling how much good I may yetdo. Goodbye. " And he, too, jumped from the plane.
The priest was se.rene, and interrupted his prayers to speak to the traveller. "I am a rnan ofGod, my son; I have no fear of death. Take the last parachute and save your life. "
"Hey, it,s cool, Father. There’ re still two parachutes left. The smartest man in tne world justjumped out of the plane wearing my backpack. "
Change of Plan
Frank and Fred had received their draft notices on the same day, and neither wanted to enterthe army.
But Frank had heard that the army would not accept anyone without teeth, so they both had alltheir teeth pulled.
On the day of their medical exam, Frank and Fred got in line, but a huge, hairy, smelly truckdriver cut in between them.
As Frank got up to the head of the line, he announced to the inspecting sergeant that he hadno teeth.
The sergeant had Frank open his mouth, ran his forefinger over the raw gums and said,
"Sure enough, you don’t. You’re rejected. "
Turning to the truck driver, he asked, 'What's your problem?"
The trucker said, "I've got a tremendous case of the piles."
The sergeant had the fellow bend over, inserted his fore finger and rotated it aroundthoroughly,
"Sure enough, you've got a bad case. Rejected!"
Turning to Fred, the sergeant demanded, "And what's your problem?"
Staring at the forefinger, Fred replied, "Nothing at all, sergeant, nothing at all. "
Keep Your Head
A young man was working in the produce section of a grocery store when a customer askedhim for half a head of cabbage.

"Sir, we don't sell half heads of anything. "
"Well, I insist, I 0nly want half a head. "
"I'll ask the manager. "
The young man walked to the manager's office and, not realizing that the customer hadfollowed him, said to the manager,
"Sir, some asshole wants to buy just half a head of cabbage. "
Turning and noticing the customer, he quickly added,
"And this gentleman wants the other half. "
Later, the manager took the young man aside and said,
"That was quick thinking, young fellow. We can use bright lads like you. If I hear of a higherposition opening up, I'll keep you in mind. "
Sure enough, a few weeks later the manager told the young man that an assistant manager'sspot had become vacant in the company's store in Edmonton.
"Edmonton!" blurted out the young man. "Why, there's nothing in Edmonton but hookers andhockey, event hockey players,
"Young man , my wife happens to come from Edmonton! "
"No kidding, sir? what posltion does she play?"