如何与人沟通英语作文 关于沟通的英语作文



The quality of family relationships are often dealing with the hearts of the children played a very important role. When children pass the examinations will not be poor academic results. Some parents would accuse each other of their children's education is too negligent to hear that your child will think there is psychological pressure, such as children and parents on the runaways. Are due to family discord, therefore, mutual understanding communication is the most important. For the children, parents should always run from time to time to show concern and timely to talk about the heart. The only way to let children feel the warmth of the family, but also to promote family harmony.


The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of communication. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Communication will enable us to achieve our objectives more rapidly. By communicating frequently and smoothly, we can have a better understanding among each others, reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions and thus eventually improve the efficiency of cooperation. To further illustrate the importance of communication , I would like to take the Apple Incorporation as a case in point: how could it, with so many departments, staffs from diverse countries and backgrounds inside, and branch offices allocated all around the world, finally operate smoothly and achieve unprecedented market profits without an efficient communication.

From my perspective , at no time should we underestimate the power of communication. when misunderstanding others, we should communicate with them initiatively and detect the truth underlying bias. communication is the lubricant of success/happiness.” Henry Ford, a world-renowned entrepreneur also once said.


I totally understand why parents feel so uncomfortable, but there's no need to worry about. We should consider parents' original idea, they were intended to ensure that we didn't get into bad habits, and they may want to understand our study, life and thought. we should communicate with parents and tell them more should trust their children. If you think parents have difficulty with the interview. Can write letters or frank told them to your own point of view, this can know more about each other. Better to deal with this matter.


Communicating with others is a big problem in daily life. Some people are easy to talk to oters, but some others not. When you want to talk to someone, firstly you should find some topics to talk about, but the topics should not included the private,such as age, marriage or wage. Secondly, pay attention to your attitude that do not make others feel uncomfortable. Comfort is the basic of communication. Thirdly, pay attention to your body language. Body language can transmit much information, such as your attitude, manners or something you do not realize. Finally, focus on your pacing. Don't talk too fast or too slow.


We cannot ignore the reality that college students in mounting numbers are suffering frommental problems. One of the leading factors in this is that students do not communicate properly with their surroundings. Communication plays a pivotalrole in college students' physical and mental health.

Firstly, communication can help expand social networks by establishing a channel between strangers. More friends guarantee a more colorful life. Secondly, mutual understanding is promoted by communication as people work together. Colleagues foster trust through communication and this can strengthen teamspirit, which may enhance working efficiency. Thirdly, through talking one canobtain a great deal of useful information, which may be very helpful to studentsand graduates as they learn how to live their lives.

To sum up, communication is of utmost importance to college students, as well as to people in general. “Communicate more, own more.” We cannotemphasize the significance of communication too much.

如何与人沟通英语作文 关于沟通的英语作文

The modern technology has greatly altered the mode ofcommunication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.


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如何与人沟通秘诀  假如我们把自己看成一个点,沟通就是串连点与点之间的线。没有沟通,大家各行其事,互不联系,一定枯燥而又乏味,人生就没有意义。想一想把一个人放在孤岛上,吃穿不愁,生活无忧,他会快乐吗?他的生活会充满恐惧和绝望。有了

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  沟通是人生存很重要的一课,说话谁都会,但如何把话说得艺术,如何跟他人进行很好的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,就不是每个人都能做好。想更好地与人沟通,就得学习一点沟通的技巧  俗话说“美言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒”。尊重对方是

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