度假的英文短语 度假相关的英语短语



在度假 on holiday ; on vacation ; be on a vacation

度假旅游 vacation tour ;

度假系列 resort collection ; Cruise Collection

回家度假 go home for holiday




沃尔特: Where do you think we should go on holiday this summer?


特丽: I`d like to go to Australia.

度假的英文短语 度假相关的英语短语


沃尔特: Don`t be so silly. That`s too far away!


特丽: I know it`s far to go, but I think it would be something different and special.


沃尔特: I`d really like to go to the Garibbean. We can relax on the beached and enjoy the sunshine.


特丽: There are beaches in Australia too, but I would prefer a more active holiday this year. We could visit Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef. It would be so exciting.


沃尔特: But would it be relaxing? I`ll be quite tired from doing so much work. The last thing I need is to use more energy racing around Australia. I`d need another holiday to recover from the holiday!

这是放松吗?干这么多事情肯定很累.我最不愿意的就是花更多的精力绕着澳洲跑. 完了还得花一段时间来恢复体力.

特丽: Oh, come on! A tour of Australia would be relaxing because you`d be doing something different and not working.


沃尔特: Do you think so? I`m not so sure. Anyway, tell me your plans for an Australian holiday. How long do you think we should spend there?


特丽: I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach.


沃尔特: That doesn`t sound too bad. I`d certainly like to go diving. That`s one reason I wanted to go to the Caribbean.


特丽: We could hire a car and travel around for several days. If we hire a car, we can go where we like.


沃尔特: We`d have to plan our drive before we leave. Let`s get a good guidebook from the bookstore when we go shopping tomorrow.




OK, now I'll talk about my winter vacation. Thiswinter vacation I spent two weeks in my hometownwhich is Daytona Beach, Florida. It was wonderful.The weather was warm every day. It was sunnyevery day and the temperature was almost 80degrees. I visited my mother and I spent everymorning having a nice leisurely cup of coffee andreading the newspaper and after that I got mybicycle out and rode down to the beach and enjoyed the sun and the surf, ah, came back homeand read a book and went to bed early.


I had a wonderful time. I saw a couple of new movies, when I was home in Florida. I saw TheAviator and also an interesting movie called Spanglish, which I hope you all can see because it'san interesting movie about English and the Spanish.



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