英文笑话简短 简短英文笑话带翻译阅读


简短英文笑话带翻译:一只聪明的狗 A Clever Dog

A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy apaper. His friend insisted on a demonstration and handed the dog some money - The dogtrotted off, but an hour later he had still not returned with the paper.

"How much did you give him?" asked the owner.

"Five dollars.

"Well, that explains it. When you give him five dollars, he goes to a movie."





简短英文笑话带翻译:I Never Work After Supper

A penny-pinching farmer didn't want his hired hand to stop working. One morning, he told the farmhand, "It's such a nuisance to come in from the field,, wash up for lunch and take time to eat. Why don't we save time and eat lunch now?"

The hired man agreed. The farm's wife brought in some cold meat and fried potatoes, and the two men ate again.

When they had finished, the cheap farmer said, "While we're still at the table, let's have supper too. " They were now served steak, boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables, and they ate once more.

"Now that the meals are out of the way, " the farmer announced, we can go out and work all day without interruption. "

"Oh, no, " the farmhand answered. " I never work after supper.






简短英文笑话带翻译:It Seemed Like Hours

As a band instructor at an elementary school, I require my students to turn in practice sheetssigned by their parents so I can be sure they are putting in enough time. I had to laugh,however, when one parent wrote on her child's sheet, "Practiced 17 minutes, but it seemed likehours.


英文笑话简短 简短英文笑话带翻译阅读


简短英文笑话带翻译:A Pleasant Surprise

A friend of mine had been wanting new kitchen cabinets for a long time, but her husbandinsisted they were an extravagance. She went to visit her mother for two weeks, and whenshe returned, she was overjoyed to find that beautiful new cabinets had been installed.

A few days later a neighbor came over to visit my friend. After admiring the new cabinets, theneighbor added, "All of us were so glad that the fire your husband had while you were gone wasconfined to the kitchen. "




简短英文笑话带翻译:An Adult Decision

The year before my son turned 18, he constantly pleaded to be allowed to a tattoo, but Irefused to sign permission for one. He argued that soon he would be a man and he should beable to make adult decisions. Sure enough, a few days after his 18th birthday, he come homewith a tattoo. Although I was not happy about this, I was curious to see what symbol ofmasculinity he had chosen. There, on his shoulder, was a two-inch image of Mickey Mouse.




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简短冷笑话精选 关于简短的英文笑话精选

英语笑话使人们在刻板的生活中感到一丝快意和放松。与此同时,英语笑话也是人们反对极权和专制制度的有力武器。本文是关于简短的英文笑话,希望对大家有帮助!关于简短的英文笑话:60 Minutes PresentAdam was talking to his friend

英文笑话简短 有关简短英文笑话阅读

在交际场合,能恰到好处地讲个英语笑话或自创一个幽默,不仅可以体现自己的语言水平,还可以提升个人魅力。小编精心收集了有关简短英文笑话,供大家欣赏学习!有关简短英文笑话:Magic CureTwo nurses are giving a woman in a coma1 a

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笑话是幽默的语言表达。它是一种常见的幽默传达方式。笑话是口头或者书面的幽默语言。本文是有关于简短英文笑话,希望对大家有帮助!有关于简短英文笑话:The VentriloquistA young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one nigh

简短冷笑话精选 超级简短英文笑话精选

在交际场合,能恰到好处地讲个笑话或自创一个幽默,不仅可以体现自己的语言水平,还可以提升个人魅力。 下面是小编带来的超级简短英文笑话,欢迎阅读!超级简短英文笑话精选(一)Where is the egg?Teacher:Can you make a sentence w

英文笑话简短 简短英文笑话带翻译阅读

从古至今,因为写错了字而闹出笑话或铸成大错的不知凡几。本文是简短英文笑话带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!简短英文笑话带翻译:一只聪明的狗 A Clever DogA dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news st

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