"You didn't look anything like your picture," Jade said, looking down at the picture she had printed off the computer. The man standing in front of her was short and chubby with brown-tinted teeth. "This was supposed to be my big adventure."
Jade thought to herself. "Instead, it is turning out to be more of a nightmare."
For a long time, Jade resisted the idea of meeting someone online. It was too risky. But then she met Martin. He seemed like a nice guy. He was funny and his favorite movie was Titanic.
He liked cat, and so did she. He was a vegetarian! All vegetarians are friendly, good people.
So after several months of meeting, she agreed to fly half way across the country to meet Martin in person. Her friends had egged her on saying it would be a great experience and an exciting adventure to fly to Wyoming to meet a man she was falling in love with online.

"Well," said Martin. "That picture was taken five years ago." Jade groaned. Some adventure this was going to be.
Nancy had been hired to solve the murder case. A very rich woman had been killed in her bed. The butler said her husband was the only one who saw her that night. He and the two maids were sleeping downstairs.