英语基本口语对话 饭店吃午餐英语基本对话



Kaylee: do you want to go out for dinner tonight?

Nathan: sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?

K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions.

N: that Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions. Do you want to go there?

K: I'm not really in the mood for Italian, actually. I was thinking of something a bit spicy.

N: if you want spicy food, then I'd recommend going to a Thai, Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that Chinese buffet on Cowley Road?

K: I really like that restaurant; you get a lot for your money there. But, they've westernized their food, so it's not actually that spicy.

N: you're right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces. We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us.

K: the Taj? They're a bit expensive, but they do serve large portions of very hot food.

N: the Taj it is then.

K: shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money?

N: they'll still charge us a corkage fee.

K: that's right. It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway.

N: don't worry about money. I'll treat you tonight.

K: are you sure? We could go Dutch.

N: no, I'll pay. It's my turn anyway. You paid last time.

K: I won't argue with that! Let's go!


当然想了.你心里想好去哪儿了吗? 我饿了,所以咱们去个饭量足的饭馆吧.

市中心的那家意大利餐馆给的菜量都很足.你想去那儿吗? 我今天实在不想吃意大利菜.我想吃点辣的.




“泰姬”?那家有点贵,但是他们家做的菜分量都很足. 那就泰姬吧.

咱们可以自己带酒过去吗?这样可以节省一点钱. 他们会收开瓶费的.


N: we really were lucky. We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation! Did you see the long lines behind us?

K: yeah, I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long. I'm starving!

N: let's take a look at the menu so we can order. Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share?

K: what would you rather have, samosas or poppadoms?

N: I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa.

K: well, let's get a plate of those then.

N: sounds good. What are you going to have for your main course?

K: I think I might have a dahl.

N: what's in a dahl?

K: it's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice.

N: that sounds nice. Do you want to share some kebabs as well?

K: ok. How about some lamb kebabs?

N: that's my favourite. Do you want to have some wine or beer?

K: I think I'll have a beer.

N: ok, shall I flag down the waitress?

K: I wouldn't recommend it. I think we should wait until she comes round.

N: you're right. That might seem a bit rude. It's a good thing I've got you with me!

K: what would you do without me?



咱们先看看菜单吧,这样才好点菜。你想不想选个开胃菜咱俩一起吃? 你想吃哪个?萨摩萨三角饺还是印式炸面包片? 我听说他们的招牌菜是萨摩萨。 哦,那咱们点一份好了。

听起来不错。你的主菜想点什么? 我想要一份蔬菜咖喱。 里面都有什么?

有用咖喱辣酱煮的鹰嘴豆和一些蔬菜,再配上一份米饭。 听起来很好吃。你想不想跟我分一点烤肉串? 行。羊肉怎么样?

我最爱吃羊肉了。你想不想喝点葡萄酒或者啤酒? 我想喝啤酒。


我觉得不好。我们最好等她走过来的时候再 叫她。

你说的对。那样做看起来有点不礼貌。我跟你一起来真是太好了。 要是没有我你该怎么办啊?


Ann:What’s your daily routine, Bing? 兵,你例常的一天是什么样?

Bing:I get up at 6.00. 我6点起床。Ann

Ann:What’s your daily routine, Bing?


Bing:I get up at 6.00.我6点起床。


Bing:Yes, then I go to work at 8.00.对,然后我8点去上班。

Ann:Do you drive to work?你开车去上班吗?

Bing:No, I don’t have a car so I take the bus to work.


Ann:Do you have lunch at work?


Bing:No, I don’t have lunch at work. I have lunch at a restaurant with my colleagues.


Ann:Do you work on Saturdays?


Bing:No, I don’t. I spend time with my family at the weekend.


英语基本口语对话 饭店吃午餐英语基本对话

lunch at a restaurant with my colleagues. 不.我跟同事一块儿在一家餐馆吃午饭.

Ann: Do you work on Saturdays? 你星期六上班吗?

Bing: No, I don't. I spend time with my family at the weekend. 不上.我和家人一起度周末.

Ann: Do you have lunch at work? 你在单位吃午饭吗?

Bing: No, I don't have lunch at work. I have lunch at a restaurant with my colleagues. 不.我跟同事一块儿在一家餐馆吃午饭. ...


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