英语短语造句翻译 英语短语造句



(1) Less importance has been attached to the development of student’s creativity in

Chinese education system.(attach importance to)

(2) Much more importance should be attached to environmental harmony.( attach

importance to)

(3) No importance has been attached to integrity of children’soul in our culture.

(4) Research can help a company to position its product in market.( attach importance to)

(5) College graduates must rationally plan their life and position their career.(position作


(6) Because of lacking of job treating and inability to communicate in foreign

company ,graduates have lost good opportunities.(lack of)

(7) When I’m in bad mood ,I turn to get pleasure out of my happiness.( turn to)

(8) He didn’t answer my questions as if he was thinking something else.( as if)

(9) After investigating the ways of making friends among people ,researchers write the

paper throwing light on the reasons for the changes to the way people make friends.(throw light on)

(10) The ultimate purpose of accepting high education is not just to find a good job ,and

more importantly ,is to broaden our views ,deepen our understanding of the world ,and finally shape values with personal integrity.( ultimate)

英语短语造句翻译 英语短语造句


(11) During the winter holiday ,I neither play well nor finish my plan.(neither nor)

(12) After accomplished work ,he proceed to preparation of his paper.( proceed to)

(13) Most American parents do not much care about whether their children get high scores.

Instead ,many Chinese parents attach much importance to their children’s score.

(14) It’s the attitude to life that did matter to us.

(15) The critical point was that, the children explore the unknown world while playing with

himself .

(16) It has become clear to me that the main differences between college and high school

lie in teaching myself and self-control.( lie in)

(17) The story point to that nobody should boast of his learning.( boast of)

(18) While doing part time job ,I came to realize that it was very important to make good

use of time in college.(make use of)

(19) The idea that developing creativity and acquiring knowledge are two parts is wrong ,

misleading teachers and students.

(20) I spent most of the winter perfecting my calligraphy.

(21) Only by gaining experience in practice ,can you be just qualified for your work.


1. Amusement park

For example, there's an amusementpark in my dream world with some pretty cool rides.


2. Water park

I told my three-year-old son, Seth Isaiah, that we were going to the water park. 我告诉我3岁的儿子Seth Isaiah我们要去水上公园了。

3. Have been to

I havebeen to America.


4. Have gone to

The young have gone to HongKong or to the cities of Britain.


5. Have been in

Others say they would havebeen in preparation for months.


6. Neither.. Nor..

He neither drinks nor smokes.


7. Hear of

Where did you first hear of this holiday?


8. Disney character

Do you have a favorite Disney character?


9. Of course

You can do this, ofcourse.


10. A roller coaster

Life is like arollercoaster, and so is swimming.



11. Be themed by

12. Walk around

Walkaround a little bit if you can.


13. All the time

We do it all the time.


14. Disney cruise

Have you ever n heard of a Disney Cruise?


15. Take a ride

I’d like to take aride on it.


16. On board

There were 14 of us on board.


17. Take different routes

How about we take different routes to school?


18. End up

Then you end up alone.


19. A flight attendant

I've been aflightattendant for two years now.


20. A tour guide

I remember you're a tourguide.



21. Such as

I like drinks suchas tea and soda.


22. Think about

I have to think about everything.


23. Rather than

I, rather than you, should do the work.


24. Take a holiday

Maybe they can now takeaholiday.


25. On the one hand

Ontheonehand, he wants to wait before he talks.


26. on the other hand

Ontheother hand, if I give her money, she can choose one herself. 另一方面,如果我直接给她钱,她可以自己选一张。

27. More than

That would be more than I have expected.


28. Three quarters

Almost threequarters of the Earth is water.


29. One third

This river is one third as long as that river.


30. Have some problem doing

You havesome problem starting the game or what?



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/219261/326229431.html


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