软件测试英文简历模板 软件测试英文简历参考模板


Name:XXX Gender: Male

Contact: 132 ******** E-mail: chunjing521521@tom.com

Job Target: Software Test Engineer

Project Experience:

Project Name: CounterV1.0

Development of language: VC ++

Project Description: CounterV1.0 is a .C, .CPP source code line statistical tools can be achieved on .C, .CPP source file total number of lines of code, blank lines, comment lines and the number of non-blank, non-comment line several statistical functions


1, to complete the requirements specifications, outline design specification and detailed design specification review;

2, the development of complete system testing test cases, test plans, writing programs;

3, using the TCL, CPPUnit build unit test environment for unit test execution, using the TCL set up collection

Into a test environment for integration testing performed manually perform system testing;

4, submit bug reports, test and test reports daily. .

Project Name: air ticketing system Flight 4.0

Project Description: Flight is a plane ticket booking system, is based on the windows of the B / S, the use of SQL server2000

Database, with reservations, modify the order, check, refund, flight information management functions

Use tools: QTP functional testing tools.


1, according to the functional requirements specification to write test cases

2, record automated test scripts

3, the use of data-driven, adding checkpoints and other ways to enhance test automation scripts

4, enhanced debugging automated test scripts, script error correction potential

5, playback script, find out the wrong test system, determined after submitting bug reports

Work experience:

Dalian Netcom


Test method:

1. Master test methods and performance of functional testing, performance testing, stress testing, load testing and other important black box;

2. proficiency test commonly used method uses a system of writing, effective design test cases;

Test procedure:

1. The master unit testing, integration testing, system testing, regression testing, acceptance testing at all stages of the main tasks, understanding V model, the waterfall model;

2. familiar with the SRS, HLD, LLD document review;

3. The method of writing and writing points to master the software test plans, test plan, test cases, test reports, test daily, bug reports and other documents;

Testing tools:

1. To use LoadRuner, QTP, Rational Robot automated testing tools such as functional testing, performance testing;

2. be able to use the test management tool QC, configuration management tools VSS to defect, such as a version integrated management;

Test Management:

1. Understand the software requirements management, defect tracking, configuration management and peer review processes and methods;

Other skills:

1. Operating system: Familiar Windows operating system, familiar with redhat linux system commands, vi, shell

Familiar dns linux environment, dhcp, samba, http, vsftp, nfs, sendmail server structures, etc.,

Familiar simple iptables, the kernel simply cutting.

2. Database: Familiar with SQL Server 2000 mysql.

3. Network Knowledge: Familiarity with basic networking knowledge and understanding of the OSI model and TCP / IP protocol;

4. The development of language: the language familiar to c.

软件测试英文简历模板 软件测试英文简历参考模板

5. Be able to set up a test environment in the windows, linux system.


Financial and Economic Management College, Harbin computer applications specialist

Vocational training:

51Testing software testing network software test engineer training


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218961/301432400.html


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