英语情景对话大全两人 简单两人英语对话



A: I’ve just taken out an insurance policy. Are you insured?

B: Yes, I am. I have life insurance and my home and its contents are also insured.

A: I took out a life insurance and made my wife the beneficiary.

B: That’ a good idea. You are a fireman and it can be dangerous job.

A: I need to make sure that my wife will be financially secure if I die.

B: I can terminate my life insurance policy when I retire and use the money as a pension.

A: That’s one of the conditions of my police too. It covers you if you die before you retire and when you retire.

B: Did you have to take a medical before you could take out the police?

A: Yes, I did. It was one of the conditions of the insurance police. The insurance companies need to assess the risk

A: Good morning. I’d like to ask some questions about your insurance policies.

B: Of course. Please sit down. How may I help you?

A: I bought a house recently and would like to insure it and its contents.

B: I see. Here’s a pamphlet about our home insurance policy. We’ve named our policy “umbrella”. May I ask how much you paid for your home and where you live? These are two main things that decide how much your premiums are.

A: I understand. I live in the Oakfield area and paid $ 100000 for my home.

B: Let me just check that on my computer. Oakfield is a low risk area, so your premiums will probably be around $ 100 a month. The other thing to take into account is deductible.

A: In this pamphlet it says that the minimum amount of deductibles is $ 2000. What does that mean exactly?

B: It means that the first $ 2000 of any claim you make must be paid by you. The insurance policy covers any amount above that, up to the agreed limit.

A: Oh, I see. That’s fine. What is the advantage of having higher deductibles?

B: If you have higher deductible, your premiums are lower, because you will pay more of the claim and we will pay less.

A: It seems that I should do some calculations before deciding. I presume that the insurance period can be for as long as we agree.

B: We initially sign on-year policies with our policyholders. These are renewable after the first year.

A: If I have a claim, how long does it take to make a settlement? I’ve heard that with some insurance companies, it can take months.

B: That’s of great concern to our clients. We aim to satisfy all claims with a month, but we can’t guarantee that.


A: Billy, you don’t look too well. Maybe you should take the day off school.

英语情景对话大全两人 简单两人英语对话

B: But Mom! Today we’re playing football! I love football!

A: You’ve got a fever and playing football isn’t a good idea for a boy with a fever. What’s that on your arm?

B: I don’t know. It was there when I woke up this morning.

A: It’s rash. I’d better take you to see the doctor. How did you get that bruise on your leg?

B: I bashed it against the chair in my room.

A: Does it hurt?

B: A little , but not much.

A: Here. Put this wet towel on your face to keep your temperature down. I’ll take you to the doctor’s after breakfast.

B: If I’m better this afternoon, can I go to school?

A: If you are better, but I doubt you will be.


A: Have you seen Bill recently?

B: Yes. He’s in hospital with a bad back. One morning, he just couldn’t get out of bed. His wife called an ambulance and they took him to hospital. He’s been there for a few days now.

A: Daisy’s in hospital too. She got food poisoning last week. She thinks she got it from some bad seafood.

B: You have to be very careful with seafood. It tastes lovely, but it often causes upset stomachs. Have you heard anything from Tom?

A: He’s fine, but he had a fever last week. He probably just had a cold.

B: He might be allergic to pollen. My niece is allergic to pollen. It seems like she has a cold, but in fact it’s her allergy.

A: I see. My niece just flew back from Australia to visit. She’s got jetlag now. She’s just resting today, but we’ll probably go out somewhere tomorrow.

B: It’s nice that she’s back for a while. Thinking of all these ailments, I got a splinter the other day. It took a long time for me to get it out of my skin. Look!

A: Oh, your hand is still sore. You should put some ointment on it to stop the swelling.

B: That’s a good idea. You’ve got a nasty bruise on your hand.

A: Yes, I banged it against the cooker yesterday. It really hurt, but it’s OK now. the bruise will disappear soon.

简单两人英语对话:seeing the doctor

A: hello! How are you.

B: not too well! I’m just to the doctor. I haven’t been feeling too we.. over the last few days.

A; what have you got? A cough? A cold?

B; that’s the funny thing. I don’t what’s wrong with me. I just feel exhausted.

A; perhaps you’ve been working too hard. You do have a high-pressure job.

B: maybe. I haven’t been able to keep my food down either. That’s unusual.

A; well. I’m sure the doctor will be able to prescribe something to make you well again. Dr. Jameson is very good.

B; yes, he is. I’ve make an appointment for 10 o’clock, so I’d better move along.

A; OK. Hope you feel better soon. You should take it easy. I’m sure the doctor will prescribe rest, you know.


A: good morning. What seems to be the problem?

B: good morning, doctor. I feel terrible. I’ve god a cold and I have a rash here on my neck. I’m not sleeping well either. What do you think the problem could be?

A: I’d say you’ve been working too hard or are under stress for some reason. Have you been taking anything for your cold?

B; yes, I bought some medicine at the chemist’s. I’ve been taking it for three days.

A: good. I’m going to prescribe something stronger. It will make you feel drowsy, so you certainly should rest.

B; OK. I can afford to take a fell days off work.

A: have you been working hard recently?

B: yes, I have. I had to get a project finished. It’s done now, so I can relax a little.

A; good. Let’s take a look at that rash….it looks worse than it is. I’m going to prescribe some ointment for it. If the rash doesn’t clear up in a few days, come back and see me. Do you have any other symptoms?

B: I have a bad headache, but…

A: don’t worry about that. It’s probably of the stress you’ve been under. Just take some aspirin. Combined with the stronger cough medicine, it will make you feel very tired. You shouldn’t work or use any equipment which requires concentration. If I were you, I’d just sleep, read a book, or watch TV. Here is your prescription.

B; thanks doctor. I’ll get these immediately. Goodbye.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218861/23506181.html


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