英语简短笑话大全爆笑 关于简短英语笑话短文阅读


关于简短英语笑话短文:How Much?

A Lady walks into a Mercedes dealership. She browses around, then spots

the perfect car and walks over to inspect it. As she bends to feel the fine

leather upholstery, a loud fart escapes her. Very embarrassed, she looks

around nervously to see if anyone has noticed her little accident and hopes

a sales person doesn't pop up right now. As she turns back, there standing

next to her is Andre a salesman.

"Good day, Madame. How may we help you today?"

英语简短笑话大全爆笑 关于简短英语笑话短文阅读

Very uncomfortably she asks, "Sir, what is the price of this lovely vehicle?"

He answers, "Madame, I'm very sorry to say that if you farted just touching

it, you are going to SHIT when you hear the price."


A young and beautiful woman gets into the elevator, smelling like

expensive perfume. She turns to the old Italian woman on the elevator

with her and says arrogantly, "Giorgio - Beverly Hills, $100 an ounce!"

Another young and beautiful woman gets on the elevator and also

smells of very expensive perfume. She arrogantly turns to the old Italian

woman and says, "Chanel No. 5, $150 an ounce!"

About three floors later, the old Italian woman has reached her destination

and is about to get off the elevator. Before she leaves she looks both beautiful

women in the eyes, turns, bends over, and farts. "Broccoli - 49 cents a pound."

关于简短英语笑话短文:Married Women

Q: Why are married women heavier than single women? A: Single women come home, see whats in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see whats in bed and go to the fridge.

关于简短英语笑话短文:In The Hotel Lobby

A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman beside him and as he does, his elbow goes into her breast. They are both quite startled. The man turns to her and says, "Ma'm, if your heart is as soft as your breast, I know you'll forgive me." She replies, "if your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 436"

关于简短英语笑话短文:Wild Thinking

A teacher was trying to get one of her students to understand a math problem by asking him this: If there are 3 birds on a powerline and a man shot one of them, how many birds are left.

He answered none, because the gunshot scared the other birds away, she answered back,"I like the way you think." Then the student asked the teacher if there are three women sitting on a bench eating ice cream, one is licking the ice cream, one is biting the ice cream, and the other is sucking the ice cream, which of the three are married? The teacher turned bight red and said,"The one that is sucking the ice cream." He answered,"No, the one with the wedding ring, BUT I LIKE THE WAY U THINK."


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218761/611007855.html


英语简短笑话大全爆笑 简短但要爆笑的英语笑话


英语简短笑话大全爆笑 英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑

明清文人结集笑话的最终目标指向自娱,在遣兴娱情的观念下,笑话集的艺术性增强。下面小编整理了英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑,希望大家喜欢!英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑摘抄给我带来好运的托盘An antiques collector was passi

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冷笑话作为言语幽默的一种,其研究虽不像幽默研究有着悠久历史,但却吸引了来自修辞学和语言学等领域学者们的注意。下面是小编带来的关于英语小笑话简单爆笑,欢迎阅读!关于英语小笑话简单爆笑精选我是司机A short young man was r

英语简短笑话大全爆笑 关于简短六年级的英语笑话

汉语冷笑话作为一种特殊语言现象,越来越受到中国人的欢迎。而英语的冷笑话也同样能够让捧腹大笑。本文是关于简短六年级的英语笑话,希望对大家有帮助!关于简短六年级的英语笑话:Mother's intuitionI don't think I'll ever have a m

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笑话作为一种城市化的民间口头创作体裁,是一种重要的交际手段。小编精心收集了一年级简短英语笑话,供大家欣赏学习!一年级简短英语笑话:冰箱老公Refrigerator manA woman goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doctor, you've got to

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