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M: Hi, pal. Where are you going?

T: This is the registration day for the new arrivals. I'm going for registration. Do you think I need to call the school and ask them about the registration process?

M: No, I can tell you some tips since I experienced it last year.

T: Thanks. I think there is nothing in the hall but wall-to-wall people.

M: Don't worry. The Bursar's people will work in the conference hall on the third floor of the international students center building. It's big enough. Cut it short. You'll have to pay tuition, housing and insurance. You're not considered officially enrolled in the university until you have paid all these fees.

T: Got it. What should I take for registration?

M: You should take your passport the letter of admission to the institution, the financial support certificate, your ID card that has been signed at the U.S. customs, and your academic transcript of GRE.

T: I see. Thanks a lot.




二人英语对话3分钟 关于二人英语对话范文精选


A: Can I help you?

P: I want to check my luggage.

P: Five.

A: Place them on the scales please. I'm sorry, sir. Your baggage is 4 kilos overweight. You have to pay extra money for it.

P: Oh, what is the limit?

A: The limit is 20 kilos per person and there's surcharge of eight dollars per kilogram on overweight baggage.

P: Can I take these two with me?

A: You're only allowed one piece of carry-on luggage. Sorry, but that's our policy. I think this one could go on as carry-on luggage if you like.

P: Oh, yes. Thank you. This is fragile. I need to carry it on.

A: So now you should pay 16 dollars.

P: Okay.

A: And please make sure there are no sharp objects in your hand luggage. This is your luggage check, which you must show when you disembarks at your destination. Enjoy your trip.

P: Thank you.





A: Please show me your passport and other documents.

L: Here you are.

A: What's your purpose of coming to the United States?

L: For study.

A: How long will you stay here?

L: I'II be studying here for a full year.

A: May I see you customs declaration form and please put your things on the counter here. Do you have anything to declare?

L: I have nothing to declare.

A: What's in your trunk?

L: I've put inside my books, my clothes and personal stuffs.

A: Could you please open your bag?

L: Yes.

A: Anything prohibited, such as alcoholic drinks and tobacco products? What are these?

L: This is a gift for my friend and these are souvenirs for my relatives.

A: Do you have any Chinese herbal medicine inside?

L: Definitely not.

A: Enjoy your stay in America.

L: Thank you.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218761/538132993.html


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