濒临灭绝be on the verge of;
濒临灭绝nearly extinct
正在濒临灭绝 Are threatened with extinction ; Is endangered
濒临灭绝的猎豹 CheetahOn the Verge of Extinction
濒临灭绝的动物 Endangered Animals ; Endangered
濒临灭绝物种法 Endangered Species Act
濒临灭绝的 endangered ; extinct ; campaign
濒临灭绝的物种 endangered species
濒临灭绝的语言 endangered language
濒临灭绝的文化 Endangered cultural
濒临灭绝物种保护法 Endangered species Act
There are still new species being discovered: plants, birds, chameleons, lemurs, tortoises thatwe might not yet know about, that could be on the brink of extinction.
"The behaviours that we observe will impact upon the genetic diversity of fur seal populations and may have helped them recover so successfully from near extinction only 100 years ago," said Hoffman.
We fear the species might be endangered, as its only definite habitat is a sand forest in TembeElephant Park, ” said Dr Coddington.
I have help getting protection now, because I was near extinction.
It shows that birds in Hawaii are more in danger of becoming extinct than anywhere else in theUnited States.
Unfortunately, the tree is on the verge of extinction as illegal logging of the timber continuesand a planned bauxite mining project will see large tracts of remaining forest destroyed.
Hordes of giant mice are devouring endangered seabird chicks on a remote South Atlanticisland and may be pushing some of the birds to extinction, scientists report.
However, it holds six language families, two of which have only one remaining language, andalmost all of the languages here are endangered.
Soldiers hunted and ate the animals, but they also had rules: They would not shoot males, and they would try to avoid hunting any species to extinction.
Pandas face extinction because of poaching and humans moving into their habitat.
I'll answer that question with the three most endangered words in the blogosphere.

Photographing from a hide in the Drakensberg mountain range in South-Africa, I captured thismoment of interaction between a black-backed jackal and an endangered cape vulture.
In a synthesis of such studies, the report is likely to conclude that 25% of species face extinctionby 2100.
The world's most endangered sea dolphins are sliding towards extinction in the face ofdamaging fishing methods, experts are warning.
A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River. Trumpeter swans oncefaced extinction; today their numbers are rebounding.
In order to save rhinos from extinction, the criminal syndicates operating between South Africaand Vietnam must be uncovered and shut down for good.
IT IS not just investment bankers who face extinction: more animals are now at risk too.
But humans aren't the only ones that rely on this valuable resource - numerous plants and animals are sustained by this ground water, many of which are endangered.
Ambystoma mexicanum is almost extinct in Mexico due to diminishing habitats and humanhunting - they are regarded as a delicacy in much the way the French like frogs legs.
But the first study to look into the combined effect of both global warming and deforestationfound most species are in danger of extinction.
And at one time in the past, I almost became extinct.
We have scientists that are working all over the world, especially in Asia, on behalf ofendangered species and endangered habitats.
A team of Australian researchers involving DNA experts from the University of Adelaide hasidentified a new, critically endangered species of ground parrot in Western Australia.
A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened byextinction.
A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened byextinction.
1. These endangered gentle giants are highly social animals.
2. They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction.
3. Hundreds of tree species face extinction.
4. The giant panda has become an endangered species.
5. It's indigenous to Taiwan, and an endangered species too.
它是台湾本土的鸟类, 而且是濒临灭绝的一种.
6. Eleven honor the manatee, an endangered sea animal found in that state.
7. About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.
8. And at one time in the past, I almost became extinct.
曾经在过去一个时期, 我几乎濒临灭绝.
9. This organization's mission is to protect plant species threatened with extinction.
10. Hundreds of years of whaling have nearly wiped them out.
11. Any of several felines, such as the cheetah or the snow leopard.
12. The spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one.
斑点猫头鹰是一种面临生存危险的物种, 但是还不是一种濒临灭绝危险的物种.
13. We can see a number of rare and endangered species breeding here.
14. Melting ice caps, hunting and over - fishing were identified as the culprits.
冰川消融 、 猎和过度捕捞都是造成这些物种濒临灭绝的原因.
15. The albatross - legendary protector of seafarers - is heading for extinction.
信天翁 -- 传说中航海人的守护者 -- 已经濒临灭绝了.