英文幽默小笑话 关于幽默英文笑话阅读


英文幽默小笑话 关于幽默英文笑话阅读

关于幽默英文笑话:Three pastors

Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, "You know, since summer started I've been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. I've tried everything -- noise, spray, cats -- nothing seems to scare them away."

Another said, "Yes, me too. I've got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic. I've been had the place fumigated, and they still won't go away."

The third said, "I baptized all mine, and made them members of the church... haven't seen one back since!"

belfry: 钟楼

fumigate: 烟熏

关于幽默英文笑话:What did I leave behind

Six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to the other passengers.

At last this young man got out at a station with his two heavy bags. None of the other passengers helped him, but one of them waited until the rude young man was very far away and then opened the window and shouted to him, "You left something behind in the compartment!" Then he closed the window again.

The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags. He was very tired when he arrived, but he shouted through the window, "What did I leave behind?" As the train began to move again, the passenger who had called him back opened the window and said, "A very bad impression!"

关于幽默英文笑话:A soldier's brilliant idea

Mr Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already had been taken except for one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it.

When he reached it, however, he saw that there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said, "This seat is preserved for proper load balance, thank you." Mr Robinson had never seen such an unusual notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on and found another empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in.

Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on, when the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, who was watching the passengers coming in, quickly took the notice off the seat beside himself and in this way succeeded in having the company of the girl during the whole trip.

关于幽默英文笑话:Kangaroos and the cage

One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem -- how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to two meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three meters.

Quite beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten meters.

Later a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, "Do you think they will go on raising your cage?"

"Hard to say," said a kangaroo, "if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door."

at large: 未被捕获的

关于幽默英文笑话:Can his football come out to play

George knocked on the door of his friend's house. When his friend's mother answered he asked, "Can Albert come out to play?"

"No," said the mother, "It's too cold."

"Well, then," said George, "Can his football come out to play?"


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218061/615357575.html


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