会计专业简历范文 会计英文简历模板


Name: xxx Date of birth: date

Sex: Height: 1,60 m Marital status:

National: ID Number:

Account: the place of origin:

Where the company is:

Education background

Graduate school: financial institute 1993.9-1997.7 specialized in finance or accounting

Business and specialty

* assistant accountant title, and be familiar with national finance system and relating policy laws

* cet6 level, familiar with all kinds of English business letter writing format

* mastering basic computer knowledge, and able to skillfully use Powerbuilder, SQL language, FOXPRO, Powerpoint, office97, Foxbase of computer software application and development, and has good computer network knowledge and skills

* mind is quick, calm and steady personality, a strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit

会计专业简历范文 会计英文简历模板

Work experience

1999.3 - so far XX group company cashier, accounting

* to be responsible for the industrial enterprise material cost accounting, sales account with accounting, accounting receivable, accounts payable, the sales target accounting, statistics

* assist chief accountant for other daily work, cash management


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/218061/280144804.html


电气自动化简历范文 电气自动化专业简历范文

电气自动化专业简历范文由个人简历网收集于互联网,仅供需要写作个人简历的朋友参考. 性别:男士 | 民族:汉族 | 生日:1985-7-22婚姻状况:未婚 | 身高:171厘米 | 体重:59公斤户口所在地:河南省开封市 | 目前所在地:广东省佛山市求职意向人

出纳简历范文 出纳英文简历范文

从广义上讲,只要是票据、货币资金和有价证券的收付、保管、核算,就都属于出纳。下面是小编给大家整理的出纳英文简历范文,供大家参阅!出纳英文简历范文:会计个人简历Jim JohnsonHouston, Texas 77034,(315) 525-5445Jimjohnson@yah

财务简历范文 财务英文简历范文

财务管理的基本原则包括系统性原则、现金平衡原则、收益风险原则以及利益协调原则。下面是小编给大家整理的财务英文简历范文,供大家参阅!财务英文简历范文:中英文优秀财务会计简历XX Apply for: finance assistantTel:Politics C

财务管理专业简历范文 财务管理专业简历范文3篇

制作简历是财务管理专业求职者求职过程中非常重要的一步,那你知道财务管理专业求职者的简历该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家带来的财务管理专业简历范文,相信对你会有帮助的。财务管理专业简历范文(一)个人基本信息姓 名:王晓性 别:女

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