2016年寒假作业人教版 人教版六年级英语寒假作业答案2016


2016年寒假作业人教版 人教版六年级英语寒假作业答案2016

  The first day

  I.1-5 ACACD

  II.1-5 BAACD/B 6-10 CCACA 11-15 DCBBC

  The second day

  I.1-5 DCAAD

  II.1.children hospital

  2.goes to by plane

  3.do some shopping

  4.enjoy themselves

  5.other things

  6.us the birthday song

  7.late for

  III.1. sell, buy

  2. is sitting, is running

  3. to close

  4. sells

  5. Does, have

  6. read

  7. driver, driving

  8. to go

  9. is drinking

  10. is having

  The third day

  I.1-4 CDEB 5-8 AGHF

  II.1. carry 2. watches 3. shopping 4. driving 5. is 6. to come 7. teaching 8. reading 9. to clean 10. to write


  The fourth day

  I. 1.C twice

  2. C swimming

  3. A Don’t

  4. B take

  5. B wrong

  II.1. We don’t call it a small lion.

  2. They are playing with their mother.

  3.What do you do in your science corner?

  4. What’s wrong with you?aIhUaU.com/zl

  5. My school is famous for its sports.

  6. Can you show me those trousers?

  III.1-5 AABCA 6-10 ACBCA题目解答


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/2175071/896418793.html


人教版六年级寒假作业 2015年人教版六年级寒假作业答案

2015年人教版六年级寒假作业答案1、读音节,找词语朋友。陶醉 凝重 挽联 恩赐 囫囵吞枣 滋润 魁梧 真挚 勉励 悬崖峭壁解析:此题的考察重点是个别字的书写。如:“陶醉”的“醉”; “凝重”的“凝”;“挽联”的“挽”;“恩赐”的“赐

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