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A dog named time

n old Chinese man's wife got sick for a while, then died. They had been married for more than half a century without any children. After the old companion was gone, the old man felt very lonely. He took friends' advice and went to a pet shop to buy a baby dog.

It was a miniature size of poodle which had long, thick, and frizzy(卷曲的) hair. Everybody said it was indeed a cute puppy. The old man treasured it very much and named his dog “Time.”

When he sat down, he would put his puppy on his knees. When he took ask his dog to follow him. The puppy was only a few weeks old, it could not walk as fast as its master. So the old man kept calling, “Time, go faster.” The little puppy had done its best. No matter how he called, it was still doing the same.

As time went by, the puppy became stronger. Like a small boy ,it seldom stayed at a place too long and ran around all the time. And it would not listen to its master as closely as it used to. Especially, when he was walking outside, the dog always ran faster than its master. So the man must keep calling, “Go slower, Time.”

As time went on and on, finally, the man became older and weaker, while his dog grew bigger and stronger. One day, when the man took his dog outside to do the walk again, he lost control of his dog. The dog ran much far away. He kept calling, “Time, wait for me.” Yet time went ahead and would not listen to him.

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Finally, the man realized that he could not control the time anymore.




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&#160;  关于两个有趣的励志小故事 爱华阅读配图  <一>  曾有这样一个人,每天都要去偷邻居的鸡,有人告诉他说:“这样的行为,不符合君子之道。”那人回答说:“那就减少一点好了,以后每月偷一只鸡,等到明年的时候,就完全不偷了。”

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