唐诗英语翻译 简单英语唐诗翻译











since beauty is honoured all over the empire,

how could xi shi remain humbly at home? --

washing clothes at dawn by a southern lake --

and that evening a great lady in a palace of the north:

lowly one day, no different from the others,

the next day exalted, everyone praising her.

no more would her own hands powder her face

or arrange on her shoulders a silken robe.

and the more the king loved her, the lovelier she looked,

blinding him away from wisdom.

…girls who had once washed silk beside her

were kept at a distance from her chariot.

and none of the girls in her neighbours' houses

by pursing their brows could copy her beauty.



言入黄花川, 每逐青溪水。

随山将万转, 趣途无百里。

声喧乱石中, 色静深松里。

漾漾泛菱荇, 澄澄映葭苇。

我心素已闲, 清川澹如此。

请留盘石上, 垂钓将已矣。

i have sailed the river of yellow flowers,

borne by the channel of a green stream,

rounding ten thousand turns through the mountains

唐诗英语翻译 简单英语唐诗翻译

on a journey of less than thirty miles….

rapids hum over heaped rocks;

but where light grows dim in the thick pines,

the surface of an inlet sways with nut-horns

and weeds are lush along the banks.

…down in my heart i have always been as pure

as this limpid water is….

oh, to remain on a broad flat rock

and to cast a fishing-line forever!



吏舍跼终年, 出郊旷清曙。

杨柳散和风, 青山澹吾虑。

依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。

微雨霭芳原, 春鸠鸣何处。

乐幽心屡止, 遵事迹犹遽。

终罢斯结庐, 慕陶真可庶。

from office confinement all year long,

i have come out of town to be free this morning

where willows harmonize the wind

and green hills lighten the cares of the world.

i lean by a tree and rest myself

or wander up and down a stream.

…mists have wet the fragrant meadows;

a spring dove calls from some hidden place.

…with quiet surroundings, the mind is at peace,

but beset with affairs, it grows restless again….

here i shall finally build me a cabin,

as tao qian built one long ago.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/217361/478147206.html


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