初中英语演讲稿3分钟 初中英语演讲稿 沙尘暴

我们热爱美丽的春天,我们珍爱明媚的阳光。但是沙尘暴给这些蒙上了阴影,我们知道,沙尘暴是大自然母亲对我们破坏生态劣行的惩罚。下面小编给大家分享初中英语演讲稿 沙尘暴,欢迎阅读:

初中英语演讲稿 沙尘暴


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Today I'm going to talk about sandstorm.

Sandstorm is a kind of bad weather witch is becoming increasingly common in Northwestern China, and it usually happens in spring and fall. Though I'm only 13, I have experienced it and suffered from it quite a lot.

I'm sure most people still remember the sandstorm that happened last month. It swept across the large area of 11 provinces and caused a great loss to our nation.

As you can see on TV, when a sandstorm comes, the wind blows strongly with dust and sand. Sometimes trees are even broken down in half, and little birds cannot find their homes. Sometimes clouds of dust blur the vision, and little kids cannot find their ways. It's like the end of the world.

When a sandstorm occurs, our classroom is filled with dust and sand. My poor teachers! They've breathed in enough chalk-powder. Now, they have to take in much dust. My poor fellow classmates! They told me they were almost dying.

初中英语演讲稿3分钟 初中英语演讲稿 沙尘暴

We love beautiful spring. We cherish bright sunshine. But sandstorms destroy all the lovely things. Yet we know it is Mother Nature's revenge on what we have done to her. In order to see blue sky and sunny spring again, we should plant more trees and more grass to protect the environment. And it is not too late if we start right now.

Though it's a hard job to fight against the sandstorm, it is the battle we must fight, and it is a battle we must win!

Thank you!











爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/217161/831309341.html


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