小学英语作文 我的书桌小学英语作文3篇


My desk is made of wood. It is one neter long and 65 centimetres hign. The top of it is very flat. I can write my homework on it after school. On the desk there is a lamp, an alarm clock and some interesting books.

My desk is beautiful. It is pink. That is my favorite color. I like my desk very much.


In my room, there stands a small bookcase near the window. The bookcase has three layers. I put the thickest books on the upper layer. On the middle layer there is my table lamp.

小学英语作文 我的书桌小学英语作文3篇

And I place all the story books and some magazines on the lower layer. I read a lot, and I have learnt a lot from my books. I love the bookcase and I love books even more.


Hello,everypne!Look at this new desk.My father bought it me yesterday.This desk is white.It's big and nice.I'll read books and write words on it everyday.I have got many books.They are picture books,story books,comic books.I put the books on my desk.It'll be easy for me.This is my desk.I love my desk very much.【汉语】嗨,大家好!看这个新书桌。这是爸爸昨天买给我的。这个书桌是白色的。它很大,而且很轻。我将会每天在这上面读书和写字。我有很多书。有图画书,故事书,漫画书。我把这些书放在了我的书桌上。这个书桌对我来说很方便。这就是我的书桌。我非常喜欢我的书桌。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/217161/121107791.html


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