引导学生走近美文,使他们成为美文的崇拜者和得益者,听取 哇 声一片,这正是我们教者的责任,也是当代教育所期待的。本文是有关唯美英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!
Simplicity is an uprightness of soul that has no reference to self; it is different from sincerity, and itis a still higher virtue. We see many people who are sincere, without being simple; they only wish to passfor what they are, and they are unwilling to appear what they are not; they are always thinking of themselves, measuring their words, and recalling their thoughts, and reviewing their actions, from the fear that they have done too much or too little. These persons are sincere, but they are simple; they are not at ease with others, and others are not at ease with them; they are not free, ingenuous, natural; we prefer people who are less correct, less perfect, and who are less artificial. This is the decision of man, and it isthe judgment of God, who would not have us so occupied with ourselves, and thus, as it were, always arranging our features in a mirror.
To be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses; this is the very reverse of simplicity. To be absorbed in self in whatever engages us, whether we are laboring for our fellow beings or for God-to bewise in our own eyes reserved, and full of ourselves, troubled at the least thing that disturbs our self-complacency, is the opposite extreme. This is false wisdom, which, with all its glory, is but little less absurd than that folly, which pursues only pleasure. The one is intoxicated with all it sees around it; theother with all that it imagines it has within; but it is delirium in both. To be absorbed in the contemplation of our own minds is really worse than to be engrossed by outward things, because it appears like wisdom and yet is not, we do not think of curing it, we pride ourselves upon it, we prove of it, it gives us an unnatural strength, it is a sort of frenzy, we are not conscious of it, we are dying, and we think ourselves in health.
Simplicity consists in a just medium, in which we are neither too much excited, nor too composed. The soulis not carried away by outward things, so that it cannot make all necessary reflections; neither does it make those continual references to self, that a jealous sense of its own excellence multiplies to infinity.That freedom of the soul, which looks straight onward in its path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those that it has already taken, is true simplicity.
纯朴是灵魂中一种正直无私在素质;它与真诚不同,比真诚更高尚。许多人真心诚恳,却不纯朴。他们表里如一指望别人按他们的本来面目认识他们,不愿意遭人误解。他们总在想着自己,总在斟酌辞句、反省思量、审视行为;因为他们唯恐过头,又是怕不足。这些人真心诚恳,却不纯朴。他们不能和人自然相处,别人对他们也小心拘谨。他们不随便、不真诚、不自然。我们侄 宁愿同不那么正确,不那么完美,但也不那么拘谨的人相处世人以上述准则取人,上帝也以此作判断。上帝不不愿我们用这样多的心思于自己,好象我们要时时对镜整理自己的容颜。
In America, courtroom proceedings are generally open to the public and can,within strictguidelines, be reported on in newspapers and on radio and television. We use the word“allegation” and its verb form “allege”to indicate that charges brought against a person havenot been proven.Cameras are also generally barred from courtrooms to protect the identitiesof thejurors,unless special permission is given by the judge.A jury, by the way, consists offrom six to twelve ordinary citizens who are chosen by lottery to hear acase and decide,underinstructions from the judge, on whether the persons being tried are guilty or innocent.Insome cases which attract widespread public interest,permission is given to televise theproceedings if and only if the television cameras never photograph the members of the jury.
An exception to the rule ofopen proceedings are the proceedings of a Grand Jury.Grand Juryproceedings arealways secret. In this instance,a jury is convened not to judge a defendantguilty or not guilty but to decide if sufficient evidence is on hand to bring charges againstsomeone and begin a public trial.The secrecy of the grand jury proceedings is considerednecessary to protect the integrity of the testimony and theevidence which may be broughtforward later in a public trial.The secrecy prevents any future jury membersfrom havingformed an opinion about the case before the facts are known; and it protects the reputations ofpeople who may have been wrongfully or unnecessarily accused of a crime.The fundamentalrule of Americanlegal practice is that a person accused of a crime is innocent until provenguilty.The people accusing or prosecuting the defendant must prove through facts andtestimony that the person is guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
在美国,法庭的诉讼程序一般是公之于众的,并且依照严格的规定,可以让报纸、广播和电视等传媒进行报道。我们使用allegation"无充分证据的指控”一词(其动词形式是allege) 表明对某人的指控尚未得到证实。法庭上一般禁止摄影拍照以保护陪审员的身份。除非获取法官的特别许可, 让我顺便解释 —下陪审团:一个陪审团通常由6名至12名普通公民组成。这些成员用抽签法选定,到法庭听讼,并在法官的指导下决定被指 控的人有罪还是无罪。一些能吸引广大公众兴趣的案子,准许用电视播放整个过程,但绝对不能将电视镜头瞄向陪审团的成员。
The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every lifeis full of them. Every lesson in school or college is an opportunity. Every examination is achance in life. Every businesstransaction is an opportunity-an opportunity to be polite, anopportunity to be manly, an opprtunity to behonest, an opprtunity to make friends. Everyproof of confidence in you is a great opportunity. Every responsibility thrust upon yourstrength and your honor is priceless. Existence is the privilege of effort,andwhen thatprivilege is met like a man, opportunities to succeed along the line of your aptitude will comefaster than you can use them.

Young men and women, why do you stand here all the day idle? Was the land all occupiedbefore you were born?Has the earth ceased to yield its increase? Are the seats all taken? Thepositions all filled? the chances all gone? are the resources of your country fully developed? Arethe secrets of nature all mastered? Isthere no way in which you can utilize these passingmoments to improve yourself or benefit another? Don't wait for your opportunity. Make it,make it as Napoleon made his in a hundred "impossible" situations. Make it, as all leaders ofmen , in war and in peace, have made their chaces of success. Make it, as every man must, whowould accomplish anything worth the effort. Glolden opportunities are nothing to laziness,butindustry makes the commmonest chances golden.
年轻人啊,为何你们整日裹足不前而虚掷光阴?难道在你们出生之前,每一寸土地都已被他人所占据?难道地球已不再繁衍生息?难道所有的席位都已另有归属?所有的职位都已人满为患? 所有的机会都一去不返?难道你国内的资源都已开发殆尽?难道大自然的奥秘都已了如指掌?难道你无法抓住转瞬即逝的时机来改善自我或者造福他人?切末株守机会.去创造它,正如拿破仑在无数次"绝"境中创造自己逢生的机会一样.去创造它,正如战争或和平年代的领袖们创造他们取得胜利的机会那样.去创造它,人人必须如此,任何人都能获得应有的回报.对于懒惰来讲,天赐良机也会化为乌有;对于勤奋而言,即使是微不足道的机会,也会变得金光闪闪!