离别的个性签名 离别的英文个性签名



1) The deaf hear mute said the blind see me very happy.

2) 聋子听哑巴说瞎子看到我很快乐。

3) Turnip green vegetables, the martini.

4) 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

5) If I know what love is, it is because of you.

6) 因为你,我懂得了爱。

7) Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

8) 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

9) There is no remedy for love but to love more.

10) 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。


1) He is truly happy who makes others happy.

2) 使他人幸福的人,是真正的幸福。

3) This world is not for you, I also can't exist for you to change.

4) 这个世界不是为了你而存在的,我也不会为了你改变。

5) Believe me, not for you to do anything to pay.

6) 相信我,不会在为你做任何付出。

7) My pleasure, not who control.

8) 我的快乐,由不得谁来掌控。

9) Who's sweetheart than someone else's old love.

10) 谁的新欢不是别人的旧爱。

11) As long as a long time, the distance from a far, what have gone bad.

12) 只要时间一长,距离一远,什么都变质了。

13) I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you.

14) 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇到过你

15) Finally, this study, nor make me want to stay.

16) 最后,这一念,也不能让我留恋。

17) Of those in right and wrong, the result in the end Joy and sorrow?

18) 走过那些是是非非,结果到底是喜是悲?

19) Raising the mouth, and keep smiling.

20) 扬起嘴角,继续微笑。


1) Britain depths of the soul sound, and touch the soul.

2) 心灵深处的颠音,与灵魂触碰。

3) I met stubborn stubborn you are, the outcome is bound to be tragic.

4) 倔强的我遇上倔强的你,结局注定是悲剧。

5) What do not understand satire, do not know what strength.

6) 不懂的什么叫讽刺,也不懂得什么叫实力。

7) Memories are pleasant people.

8) 回忆是让人赏心悦目的。(个性签名)

9) Guardian of memories of time is the time to stop.

10) 扼守回忆的时光是时候停止了。

11) I hope that's not your back, but you come back.

12) 我希望的不是你回头,而是你回来。

13) Deep love, happiness tends to regard you as toys.

14) 爱的太深,幸福往往会把你当作玩具。

15) Heart will be loitering, people will die.

离别的个性签名 离别的英文个性签名

16) 心也会游荡,人也会死亡。

17) In some cases, to leave, but did not dare miss.

18) 有些时候,想离开,却不敢错过。

19) We are left alone between the love。

20) 我们之间单纯的只剩下了爱情。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/216861/50606893.html


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