电话留言 英文范文 关于英文电话留言范文



(A:Jim Brown B:Receiver)

A:Hello.This is Jim Brown of the Export Department.May Ispeak to Mr.Wang?

B:I'm sorry,but he is out of the office right now.

A:When will he be back?

B:He should be back at any moment.

A:I wonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me?

B:Yes,certainly.Just a minute.I'll get a pen.(Pause)OKay,please carry on.

电话留言 英文范文 关于英文电话留言范文

A:There will be a very urgent meeting at three o'clock and Iwould like Mr.Wang to attend it.

B:OKay,an urgent meeting…three o'clock…May I ask whatit's regarding?

A:Yes.It's regarding the foreign exchange market and our salesstrategy this year.

B:Shall I tell Mr.Wang to prepare any material?

A:Yes,thank you.

B:I'll let him know,Mr.Brown.

A:Thank you very much.Bye.



(A:Mary B:Receiver C:John's voice)

A:Hello.Is John in?

B:No,can I take a message?

A:No.I really need to talk to him personally.

B:Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?

A:Yes.Thank you.

B:Hold on and I'll transfer you.(Pause)

C:Hi,this is John.I'm not available to take your call,but pleaseleave your name,number and a brief message.I'll get back toyou as soon as possible.

A:Hi,John.It's Mary and I really need to talk to you.I won't beable to go to the party with you.Please call me at 556-3243when you get back.


(A:Jan Wise B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Can I speak to Mr.Clark?

B:May I have your name,Please?

A:This is Jan Wise speaking.

B:Hold on,please…I'm sorry,but he's on another line now.

Would you care to hold?

A:Well,I need to leave in a ninute.Could you take a message,Please?


A:It's a little complicated… I'm Mr.Clark's former classmate.


A:I was supposed to meet Mr.Clark for lunch at 12∶30 at Ernierestaurant with a friend of us,Miss White…

B:Ernie…Miss White——OK…

A:But Miss White's flight arrived late,and I need to pick her upat the airport now…

B:Airport ——OK…

A:So please tell him that the time is changed to 1∶00…

B:One o'clock…

A:And I hear that Miss White likes to eat Chinese food recently,so I want to meet at Beijing restaurant instead of Ernie's. Bythe way,please tell him not to book the table,I have done it al-ready.

B:Beijing restaurant… Chinese food——OK,Miss Wise,I'll givehim the message.Anything else?

A:That's all.Thank you for trouble taken.Good-bye.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/216761/735409343.html


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