牛津初一英语上册 牛津版初一上册英语Unit6检测试题及答案



一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. 下列单词中th的发音与其他几个不同的是: 。

A. think B. month C. health D. those

( )2. — What would you like for lunch today?

— I’d like just hamburger.

A. ; a B. a; the C. the; a D. ;

( )3. — The cake is too sweet.

— Yes. I won’t put so much in cakes next time.

A. salt B. fruit C. juice D. sugar

( )4. It is not good to go running noon.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )5. Eating beef is good for us, because there much energy in it.

A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )6. — Sir, this is our menu. What would you like to ?

— Hmm, two pies and a cup of coffee.

A. cook B. make C. eat D. order

( )7. There isn’t any in this supermarket.

A. sheep B. tree C. fruit D. hills

( )8. — Do in your school have a holiday on March 8?

— No. But there is usually a big party for them.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher D. woman teacher

( )9. The pears really nice. I’d like to have some more.

A. see B. seem C. sound D. taste

( )10. — What drink would you like, Andy?

— Could we have ?

A. two glasses of orange juice B. two glass of orange juice

C. two glasses of orange juices D. two glass of orange juices

( )11. Simon likes pears apples, but he doesn’t like bananas oranges.

A. and; and B. or; or C. and; or D. or; and

( )12. Taking a walk after supper can help us fit.

A. plan B. make C. keep D. want

( )13. — milk do you have every day, Nancy?

— I have two cartons of milk every day.

A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long

( )14. — How often do you eat snacks between meals?

— . I don’t think they are good for me.

A. Often B. Usually C. Seldom D. Always

( )15. — Mum, I’d like to play computer games this afternoon.

— . But please do your homework first.

A. All right B. That’s right C. That’s all right D. All the best

二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

A village (村庄) is very famous these days, because there are many very 16 people there. Twenty of them are 17 95 years old and one is 108. 18 can they live so long? We ask Yang Shiya, a girl in this village, the 19 .

Shiya tells us the reasons. First, the village is near some 20 . People plant fruit trees there, so they climb the hills to work on their trees every day. “It’s a kind of 21 , right?” Shiya says, “My grandpa 22 early every morning, and then he works in the hills. The air (空气) is nice and he feels very happy at a 23 place.”

Shiya also says people in the village 24 buy food. They eat lots of 25 food like vegetables and fruit from their farms.

So, what makes a long life?

( )16. A. young B. old C. great D. kind

( )17. A. more than B. less than C. only D. right

( )18. A. What B. Where C. When D. How

( )19. A. idea B. story C. lifestyle D. question

( )20. A. rivers B. hills C. houses D. schools

( )21. A. work B. food C. exercise D. game

( )22. A. gets up B. goes to bed C. has lunch D. goes to work

( )23. A. short B. small C. big D. high

( )24. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often

( )25. A. red B. blue C. white D. green

三. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)


John, boy, 13

Our school should make our lunchtime longer. Now, lunchtime is too short. Many of my classmates do some sports after lunch, so they don’t have time for a good rest. And then, they can’t have enough energy for the whole afternoon. So I hope to have more time for a short sleep. That way, we’ll learn well in the afternoon.

Kitty, girl, 13

Food in our dining hall (餐厅) is not nice. It is always pork, tofu and carrots. The soup is always cold. I think we should have different kinds of food and hot soup every day. I am fed up with what we have!

Eddie, boy, 14

Students all need time to play ball games, but there are only four hours for us to play them every week. I think school should be over before 4:00 p.m., and then we can go to the playground. I like badminton. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!

( )26. What do many of John’s classmates do after lunch?

A. They have a good rest. B. They have a meeting.

C. They chat with each other. D. They do some sports.

( )27. will help John learn well in the afternoon.

A. A good lunch B. A short sleep C. Some sports D. Short lunchtime

( )28. 文中“fed up with”的汉语意思是 。

A. 喜欢 B. 渴望 C. 厌倦 D. 欢迎

( )29. How long does Eddie exercise every day on average (平均)?

A. For less than an hour. B. For 4 hours.

C. For more than an hour. D. For less than two hours.

( )30. Which of the following is NOT RIGHT?

A. Eddie likes playing badminton.

B. Eddie doesn’t want to be a dull boy.

C. John thinks lunchtime is too short now.

D. The students seldom have pork in the dining hall.


You can’t look good if you are not healthy. And one way to be healthy is to do exercise.

Football, tennis, volleyball and swimming are all good for you. Muscle (肌肉) exercise is also important. You can exercise at school or at home. Boys can do push-ups (俯卧撑) and girls can do sit-ups (仰卧起坐).

But there are some don’ts here:

First, stay away from weight lifting (举重). It’s bad for you, because it gives too much stress (压力) to your body and you can’t grow tall if you practise often.

You should exercise for about an hour a day, and three days a week. On the other days, don’t exercise too much. Exercising too much is not a good idea.

Don’t go running for a long time. Running for a long time makes you tired.

Don’t want fast results (结果). Your muscles will grow when you get older. If you want to be healthy and strong, exercise and healthy food are the best way. But don’t think you can make it in one day.

( )31. “You” in this article is a .

A. teacher B. parent C. student D. player

( )32. In Paragraph (段) 2, we can know .

A. what exercise we need B. what exercise are bad

C. how to do exercise D. when to do exercise

( )33. There are don’ts in the article.

A. five B. two C. three D. four

( )34. The article tells us that is good for students.

A. exercising too long B. weight lifting

C. exercising too much D. volleyball

( )35. What’s the best title (标题) for the article?

A. Exercise Is Interesting B. Be Careful With Exercise

C. Let’s Do Exercise D. Bad Exercise

四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

A. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。

36. I’d like to have a (西瓜) after supper.

37. Who can tell me what is in this (瓶子)?

38. I always get 100 (分) in my English.

39. I am hungry enough to eat the (整个的) cake.

40. Can you help me work out the (总的) number of the books?

B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. There are 2.5 (kilo) of pork in this bag.

42. I drink (little) than five cartons of milk every week.

43. We plan (visit) the animals in the zoo this Sunday.

44. The (swim) pool in our school is very long.

45. We have a party to celebrate (child) Day.

C. 阅读下面的对话,从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空。

a cup of, computer games,

be good for, how about, more than

Andy: Wendy, do you sometimes dislike doing homework?

Wendy: Of course I do. If I do my homework for (46) 1 hour, I get tired.

Andy: So what do you do then?

Wendy: Usually I go to the kitchen and have (47) green tea.

Andy: Tea? Is it good for you? (48) some coffee?

Wendy: Drinking some tea is not bad. And sometimes I drink a little coffee. And I go walking, too. Going walking (49) us.

牛津初一英语上册 牛津版初一上册英语Unit6检测试题及答案

Andy: When I get tired of doing homework, I would enjoy playing (50)

for a while.

Wendy: But you can’t play them too long.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/216761/279138720.html


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