三年级下册英语题 三年级英语上册单元测试卷

在紧张的备考过程中,一定少不了一些试题卷的题海战术。所以,认真地对待每一份试卷吧!你真的可以从中收获不少呢!以下是由小编收集整理的三年级英语上册unit 4-6单元测试卷,欢迎阅读!

三年级英语上册unit 4-6单元测试卷



( )1. A. cat B. pet C. rabbit

( )2. A. snake B. duck C. tiger

( )3. A. shorts B. socks C. shoes

( )4. A. sweater B. trousers C. jacket

( )5. A. June B. July C. January

( )6. A. September B. November C. December

( )7. A. May B. March C. February ( )8. A. cap B. coat C. gloves

( )9. A. August B. April C. October

( )10.A. small B. long C. tail


June turtle birthday wear should

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

February first soon dance delicious

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1.A. It has red eyes. B. It has long ears. C. It has long body.

( )2. A. I like my snake. B. I like my turtle. C. I like my chicken.

( )3. A. You should wear your gloves. B. You should wear your shoes.

C. You should wear your dress.

( )4. A. My birthday is in July. B. My birthday is in June.

C. My birthday is in April .

( )5. A. I wear my cap and gloves. B. I wear my cap and trousers.

C. I wear my coat and sweater.



S_ pte_ber(九月) t_o_sers (裤子) _urt_e(海龟)

三年级下册英语题 三年级英语上册单元测试卷

F_ br_ ary(二月) s_e_ter (毛衣) ch_c_en(小鸡)


( )1. A. July B. June C. jacket

( )2. A. November B. teacher C. December

( ) 3. A. small B. long C. dance

( )4. A. cap B. cat C. gloves

( )5. A. cotton B. wool C. wear

六. 选择题,读下列句子,将正确序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

( )1.What does it look like? Ht

A. She is big. B. It has small eyes. C. It's has long ears.

( )2. My dress is made ______silk.

A. on B. at C. of

( )3. My birthday is ______ August.

A. on B. in C. at

( )4. Here’s some cake __________ you.

A. to B. for C. at

( )5.You have PE day. You should wear your __________.

A. sweater B. loves C. sports shoes


When is your birthday? A. I have a dog.

What pet do you have? B.You should wear your sweater in winter.

What should I wear in winter? C. My birthday is in November.

What does it look like? D. Yes, it is.

Is your birthday in May? E. It's yellow.

八. 英汉互译。(8分)

1. When is your birthday? ____________________________________________

2. What does it look like? ____________________________________________

3. What should I wear today? ____________________________________________

4. I have a pet. It’s a duck. ___________________________________________

九.阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。 (10分)

Hello, my name is Jack. I’m 9 years old. My birthday is in December. My dad is a policeman. He is tall. My mom is a English teacher. She has long hair and big eye. She is beautiful. My favorite season is spring. I can fly a kite and play football. I have a rabbit. It’s white. It likes to eat grass(青草). I love it very much.

( ) 1. Jack is 10 years old.

( ) 2. Jack’s birthday is in May.

( ) 3. Jack’s mom has short hair.

( ) 4. His dad is tall.

( ) 5. His mom is an English teacher.

( ) 6. Jack’s favorite season is summer

( ) 7. Jack has a dog

( ) 8. Jack can play football in spring.

( ) 9..Jack’s dad is a teacher.

( ) 10. He loves his rabbit.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/216561/587493447.html


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