二人英语对话3分钟 二人英语一分钟对话精选







L: Just hanging in here. I have a swimming course this semester. But I can swim only about the length. Then I swim down like a brick. I don't want to be a landlubber.

R: I can teach you some swimming skills.

L: Cheers! What style do you use?

R: Mainly butterfly. Sometimes I use breaststroke. backstroke and free style.

L: Amazing. You already know the ropes.

R: Don't get your bowels in an uproar! My mom taught me when I was 6 years old. I still remember how I learned to swim at the very beginning. It was so terrible. I choked several times in water.

L: So do I. But I pulled muscles sometimes, and it was very painful. How can I avoid it?

二人英语对话3分钟 二人英语一分钟对话精选

R: You need some warm-up exercises before swimming.

L: Got it. Can you tread6 water? I want to learn it.

R: No problem. I can teach you next time.





M: Have you ever done extreme sports?

J: I often go rock climbing.I did free climbing last week.

M: What's the difference between free climbing and traditional climbing?

J: Well, you don't have ropes to protect yourself in free climbing.

M: So free climbing is more dangerous and one should learn some basic skills.

J: You're right. And do you like extreme sports?

M: I often go bungee' jumping.

J: Wow, bungee is a sport of bravery.

M: It indeed requires infinite courage to entrust life to a rope.

J: It must be thrilling! Were you scared?

M: Oh, yes. I was terrifieds at the beginning. But gradually I overcome the inner fear.

J: Once you challenge yourself, you would acquire an extreme sense of success.

M: So now I enjoy the feeling of being up and down every time. It's really fantastic.

J: I hope I could also challenge myself in this sport.





F: It's a good day today, isn't it? Let's stretch our legs outside.

J: Great! Look. there're the rackets and birdies. How about playing badminton?

F: Badminton is my favorite sport, you know.

J: Really? I am also mad about badminton. Who do you think is going to win, you or me?

F: Of course me. I've played for years.

J: So what? I've been taking professional training in these days.

F: I'm sure I am going to whoop you good.

J: In your dreams. Are your ready? Here it comes!

F: I get a point.

J: Why? You miss the birdie. I should get the point.

F: It's a pity you serve it out.

J: OK, it's your serve now.

F: Serve is something I am good at.

J: Good serve! Oh, I got it! Here it comes again!

F: Beautiful backhand5 return! How professional you are!

J: You bet!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/216461/114145706.html


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